BBQ Pork Chops

BBQ Pork Chops

I love BBQ Sauce, but we rarely use it for some reason.  I guess in my mind, BBQed items are meant for the grill.  Well while visiting my parents, they made BBQ Pork Chops (on the grill), and I decided to attempt them myself but in a skillet.  I personally don't care to grill.  I like food from the grill, but you won't find me using it.  I liked this so much, I may try it on chicken sometime soon too!


  • Boneless pork chops [I used 3 large ones cut in half]
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • BBQ Sauce [I used about half a jar]


1. Season the pork chops with salt and pepper


2. Heat some EVOO in a skillet over medium heat


3. Add pork chops and cook about 5-6 minutes per side

4. Once cooked, add BBQ sauce to cover all of the pork chops; cook on low for about 20-25 minutes [I use this time to cook and prep the side dishes]

5. Serve! I personally served this with some extra BBQ sauce for dipping!  Yummy!

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