Melody is TWO!

Melody is TWO!


Melody turned two on Friday!  I know it is very cliche to say, but time really does fly these days.  I feel like yesterday she was born, and so it is hard to believe she has already celebrated two birthdays!  Last year was a really big birthday since it was her first, but we still had a lot of fun celebrating our little one turning two!  Check out all the fun we had on her actual birthday below.

First off was the night before.  We were sure to take a few pictures of our baby for the last time as a one year old!

Then we showered her with balloons the next morning.  Since she ended up in our bed in the middle of the night, I showered her in our bed as opposed to her crib!

We went and had breakfast.  She had powdered donuts and bacon along with her usual breakfast.


Her nannie bought her a birthday shirt to wear on her actual birthday, so we changed her into that.  Then she opened her gifts from us that morning.

After gift giving, we decided to go eat lunch before the lunch crowds gathered.  We had Red Robin just like last year.  This time they sang to her, but she refused to eat her ice cream.


After lunch we came back and she took an early nap.  While she napped, Brad ran errands to get her birthday cake and such.  Once he got back, his parents actually arrived in town for her birthday.  She opened a few gifts from them and played for a bit.

For dinner we went to one of our new favorite restaurants Brickhouse.  It is just a sports bar, but it is reasonably priced with good food.  We were slightly disappointed because we did not get our usual waiter.  We asked for him, but due to the weather and them having to cut tables that were outside, they would not let him have any more tables.  Our waitress was still nice, and he was able to visit and talk to us.  But it was still sad.  Anyhow, we had our usual food and Melody was given an awesome dessert since it was her birthday.  It was HUGE.  All 5 of us couldn't even finish it!

After dinner, we ran a few errands then we came back and relaxed for a bit.  We let her play a while before attempting birthday cake! But we did eventually give her her birthday cake (which was delicious).  Daddy had to help her blow out her candle.  Then she really wasn't interested in eating the cake or ice cream.  

Overall I think she had an awesome birthday.  It was a fairly relaxed day, and she was in a really great mood.  She received some pretty great gifts, and her cake was awesome :)  Look for a post all about her birthday party later!

French Onion Dip

French Onion Dip

Mickey Mouse Character Banner

Mickey Mouse Character Banner