Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy Birthday Daddy!


We celebrated Brad's 35th birthday Thursday!  Unlike prior years, this year he wanted breakfast at McDonald's for his birthday instead of waffles because he had to work.  So we didn't start celebrating with him until he was home.  

First he opened all his presents.  Melody was sure to help!


Then Melody and I changed clothes, and we took a picture before heading to dinner.

We had dinner at one of Brad's favorite restaurants, Texas de Brazil.  Melody did dramatically better this year than last year!


After dinner, Melody wanted to run around some, so we let her.

Then we headed back home for cake!  Brad wanted an ice cream cake from Publix, so I decided to decorate it myself.  I bought some Power Ranger toys from Amazon and had Publix decorate the cake in black and yellow.  {Side note...I ordered his cake online.  I went to Publix to pick it up after dropping Melody off at school.  Well they forgot the ice cream portion of the cake!  So luckily here was plenty of time, and I picked it up (correctly) on my way to get her from school.}

Melody loved the cake, and the Power Ranger toys!

And Brad enjoyed playing with his new presents.

All in all I think Brad had a wonderful birthday, even if he did have to work!

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