Tennessee Aquarium

Tennessee Aquarium


One of the things we wanted to do when visiting Chattanooga for JoeCon was the Tennessee Aquarium.  Brad and I went about 7 years or so ago, and we thought Melody might enjoy it.  

We arrived early enough on Thursday that we were able to go immediately.  We just walked from our hotel which was only a few blocks away.  We immediately went and bought our tickets which was $60 for both of us (Melody was free).  

We went and did the Ocean Journey first.  It is our favorite side, and we wanted to make sure we did it in case we ran out of time.

Melody loved looking out the windows.


I didn't let her touch the sting rays, but she did get to look at them.

She loved the butterflies!

I think she was fascinated by the penguins too.

I tried to get a cute picture in the shark cage, but people kept cutting in, so I just got this!

Then we headed over to the River Journey.

Again, she loved the windows.


She wasn't as fascinated over the river fish, but I did get a cute picture.


Oh, and I caved and bought the package of photos that they take when you walk inside the River Journey.  It was the only picture of all 3 of us, and it was cute.  It only cost $28 and came with multiple photos, a photo holder, and a keychain.

I think Melody is still a little too young to really enjoy the aquarium, but she did enjoy the freedom of walking everywhere.  And we got some cute pictures.  I think in a year or so she will really like it.

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