Melody's Nighttime Routine

Melody's Nighttime Routine


I haven’t written about Melody’s schedule in quite a long time. I feel like things haven’t changed too much, and yet it has changed so much, ha! Well I thought I would at least share our nighttime routine. I may share her daily routine soon.

So first off is her bath. We don’t do daily baths for Melody yet. We were always told it could dry out her already dry skin. So we either bathe her every other day, or if she has a lot of contact with other kids or played outside, we will bathe her then too.

After her bath, we have her clean up her toys from where she played with them throughout the day.

Next up is her nightly Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode.


Once the episode finishes she will always ask for one more. If it is after 8, we say no. If it is before 8, we say yes. Once we are finished with Mickey, it is time to brush and floss her teeth.


And we also have to brush the baby’s teeth!


Next we do our “ready, set, go”. This changes all the time. She used to want you to catch her, and now she runs to her chair and doesn’t want to be caught.

Then we change her diaper, if needed.


And she picks out a book for one of us to read. We alternate each night who reads/rocks her to sleep.


We read to her. It is usually two books, sometimes it’s three.

Then whoever is reading to her gets to rock her. The other person will go do a few things around the house to shut things down. Then after about 5 minutes, they will walk in, and we will both kiss her goodnight and lay her down.


We usually try and start brushing her teeth as close to 8 as possible, but of course that doesn’t always happen.

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