My Birthday!

My Birthday!


My birthday this year was super special. Brad always outdoes himself every year. I honestly am not sure how he will top this year!

After my morning exercise, Brad made us breakfast. In our yearly tradition, Brad made me Minnie Mouse waffles!

Brad even cleaned up (picture courtesy of Melody using my phone).


After breakfast, I unwrapped gifts, with the help of Melody. She loved playing with the ribbon, ha!

We relaxed most of the day, and then we headed to dinner at my favorite spot, The Melting Pot

I was really unsure about taking Melody. Last year we decided not to take her. Instead, we waited until a few days after my birthday and went without her. I hated not to take her but I knew she was at a really difficult age to ask her to sit for two hours or so and be good. When Melody was just 7 months old, we did take her, but she was young enough she was totally fine.

Well we ended up taking her. And she did GREAT!


To help with the potential of problems, we made a reservation for 4:15. We were literally the only ones there for quite a while. We were seated in a room to ourselves for the most part. They didn’t seat anyone else in that room until our dessert. We also had a 6 person booth which was great. We were able to ask them to turn one burner off, and we sat Melody on that side. Below are some pictures of our table and surroundings.

Some people think you can’t take kids here, and they even think you shouldn’t to be respectful of other people. So they have a kid’s menu and crayons. If a place has a kid’s menu, kids are allowed. Obviously if you don’t think your kid can handle a potential 2-3 hour meal, you have to decide for yourself if it is worth it. But they are in fact allowed.

So while we ate our cheese and salad, Melody started eating her dinner. I was sure to pack lots of food she would eat and let her even pick it out to help with arguments.

Once our entrees arrived, we got out Melody’s tablet. I am not usually a fan of the tablet at restaurants, but there was raw food, and she was wanting to play with stickers and all of those elements didn’t mix. So we resorted to the tablet to help prevent any issues. At this point, she wanted to go sit with Brad too.

Of course we had to have our chocolate to end the meal.

Melody had no desire to eat anything they offered, and they were great to her and us. She did wonderful and we were able to have a really great meal.

After dinner, we decided to walk to Apple and Barnes and Noble.

Then we headed home for cake. Ugh, I was so full, but you have to have cake on your birthday, right? And the cake was AMAZING. Brad and I love Animal Crossing, and he went above and beyond with this cake!

On Saturday, we met my parents for lunch at Kona Grill to celebrate my birthday. It was pouring rain, so unfortunately we were not able to do anything other than eat.

On Saturday night, we had dinner with Emily, Justin, and Lydia at Logan’s. After dinner, we came back to our house for a slice of cake, then we decided to play Mario Party on the Nintendo Switch while the girls played with each other.

And Brad won…

Like I said, it was a great birthday!

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Salsa Fresca Chicken

Melody's Nighttime Routine

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