RedFish Tacos

RedFish Tacos

While at the beach this summer in Destin, we stayed next door to a restaurant called RedFish Tacos. We never really had the opportunity to go inside and eat there (Brad’s parents did), but one afternoon Brad did go get us lunch there and bring it back to the condo.

I did not get a picture of Brad’s tacos, but he did enjoy them. I ordered the shrimp taco salad, and it was amazing. I was sad that we waited until so late in the trip to try it because it was really good. I was nervous about it being soggy or cold, but it was nice and warm. And the taco salad shell was super crisp. The seasoning they used was great. I couldn’t finish it all, but I would definitely eat it again!

Another Stroller Tag

Another Stroller Tag

Thanksgiving 2019

Thanksgiving 2019