All tagged Beach

Fall Break 2023 Destin

Last October during Fall Break, we went to Destin. It is our usual go-to beach spot. It was just the three of us in our condo, but our best friends, The Owens, were also there. So we did things together when it worked out! It was a super relaxing beach trip, and we had a lot of fun!

Beach 2021

Back in June, we took a quick trip to the beach with Brad’s family. We stayed at Gulf Place on 30A in Miramar Beach, Florida. We have never stayed in this specific area, but Brad’s family was familiar with it and had stayed there. We didn’t book the trip until closer due to the uncertainty of Brad’s work travel, so we only were able to get a room for 3 nights. But we made the most of our time there and had a lot of fun!

Beach 2020

The pandemic has messed with a lot of plans for a whole lot of people. One of those things for us was our vacations. We had a Disney vacation planned with my parents in late August which we cancelled because we were not entirely comfortable getting to Disney safely during the pandemic. In January, we were planning to do a BIG Disney trip just us 3. We had planned to stay around 10+ days at two resorts. This would be our last during the school year trip since Melody starts Kindergarten next year. But it is hard for us to justify that kind of money for a visit that doesn’t include park hopping. I mean we love to start at one park and end at Epcot for dinner. Instead we are hoping to take a smaller trip with my parents in January. However we did keep a trip we were hoping for, the beach. This trip wasn’t something planned out far in advance. We just knew we wanted to take a trip to the beach just us 3. COVID did really mess with how we do the beach, but we made it work the best we could.


foosackly’s is a fast-food chicken restaurant that my dad and I tried while in Pensacola. We wanted to try another new restaurant while visiting, and we passed it on the way to Pensacola Play Zone. Their focus is chicken, so it makes ordering fairly easy. There wasn’t an overwhelming amount of indoor seating, but they did have a lot of outdoor seating. Their chicken was really good. Much like Zaxby’s. Their ranch and foosackly sauce were both really, really good. If you like good chicken tenders, I highly recommend it if you come across one.

Pensacola Play Zone

While in Pensacola back in February, it was pretty cold. While it did get in the 50s and was sunny, the wind didn’t make you warm for sure! So we researched indoor play places to take Melody during the day while my mom worked. One place we found was called Pensacola Play Place. Based on pictures online, it reminded me a lot of Let’s Play, so we gave it a try!

Red Fish Blue Fish

One of the restaurants we tried while in Pensacola in February was Red Fish Blue Fish. It was located directly across the street from our hotel, although we drove due to how cold it was. If it was warmer and lighter, they do offer a lot of play areas for kids which is nice if you are having to wait. Generally the restaurant seemed fairly big, but it was really hard to tell since there was no one there. I truly think we were one of two customers.

Crabs on the Beach

One of my favorites spots that we had dinner while in Pensacola in February was Crabs on the Beach. It was literally right next door to our hotel so we walked over (perfect when you have been in the car over 5 hours with a 3 year old!). It late and dark, but I saw a sign for a play area but we didn't get to see it. But I am sure that is great during the busier times when you are waiting to be seated. The atmosphere was nice and they offered both inside and outside seating which is great.

Bounce House

Back in February before all of shutdown of all things due to the corona virus, we visited Pensacola. While there, my mom worked during the days and into the evening. So we had to find things to do from around 11 am until 7 pm. Well we visited two different indoor play areas. Neither place was too hard to find and within about 20-30 minute drive from our hotel. You likely aren’t looking for these places when you go to the beach because you are there to enjoy the warmth and sunshine. But if you find yourself there during the colder months or while it’s raining. Both places are great to visit with little ones. Today I will share about Bounce House.

Pensacola 2020

So in February back before the quarantine, Melody and I went to Pensacola with my parents for a few days. My mom had to work at a few stores, and Brad happened to be out of town. So we left on Tuesday after Melody finished dance class and drove down and spent through Friday morning.

RedFish Tacos

While at the beach this summer in Destin, we stayed next door to a restaurant called RedFish Tacos. We never really had the opportunity to go inside and eat there (Brad’s parents did), but one afternoon Brad did go get us lunch there and bring it back to the condo.

Blue Mountain Ice Cream

While at the beach this summer, we stayed directly across the street from an ice cream shop. It was constantly packed and had a huge line. So one night we HAD to try it. We managed to go when it wasn’t too busy., and be sure and bring cash! There is an ATM machine if needed though. The flavors change daily. I ordered strawberry cheesecake and it was delicious. I recommend going, but bring cash and come early!

Local Catch

One of the last places we ate while at the beach this summer was Local Catch. Brad and I actually tried to eat there earlier in our trip, but they had live music and it was really, really loud. So we opted to return later. It was fairly close to our hotel too which was really nice because we were able to ride the golf cart there.

Beach Cookies

I made cookies for one of Brad’s coworkers this summer for their beach trip, and I wanted to share. I used my cookie and icing recipe as usual. I found a cookie cutter set on Amazon. It had a palm tree, sunglasses, and flip flops. They were not my best work, but I still think they turned out cute.

Shunk Gulley

The first restaurant we visited while at the beach this summer was a new one, Shunk Gulley. Brad’s parents suggested it because they had eaten there before. It was easy to get to (it’s also on 30A), it provides a lot to do before and after (although we didn’t really explore on this trip), and it’s really kid friendly. We ate here our very first night, so we were all tired and just unpacked. There were also 9 of us, but surprisingly we were seated almost immediately which is amazing for a Saturday night!

Buddy's Ice Cream

While at the beach back in July, we visited two ice cream places on 30A. One we walked to, and the other we rode the golf cart. We ended up at Buddy’s Ice Cream because the line was SO long at the one across from our hotel, and Melody really wanted to ride the golf cart. We just had dinner at Goat Feathers, and it was right across the street from there. So we headed that way and gave it at try!

Goat Feathers

While at the beach back in July, we tried Goat Feathers on 30A. We had actually planned on eating at a different restaurant on that evening, but they had live music inside and it was really loud. So we passed and found this restaurant. It was just the three of us, and it was fairly early. I had read some decent reviews prior, so we thought we would give it a try.

Beach 2019

So we “just” returned from the beach back in late July, ha. I would have written this post sooner, but we literally came back to turn around and move! We went to the Destin area, Blue Mountain Beach to be exact. Two years ago we stayed around this area, but this year we stayed at a new hotel, Redfish Village condos. We went with Brad’s immediately family, and some of his extended family also were there which made it a mini-family reunion.

Beach 2018

Brad and I were planning to try and go to the beach around Labor Day. We really wanted to go back to Tops’l in Destin, FL. My parents were hoping to get to do a beach trip with us as well, so we decided to share a condo with them and my brother at Tops’l. We ended up going August 20-24 because it worked best with everyone’s schedules.

TOPS'L Beach and Racquet Resort

Back in March, Melody and I went to the beach with my best friend Emily and her daughter Lydia.  We stayed at TOPS'L Beach and Racquet Resort.  It is located in Miramar Beach, FL.  I have stayed here many times over the last 7-8 years.  Brad's parents used to actually own a condo there, so we traveled there often during those years.  Brad proposed to me there, and we got married there too.  It has a truly special place in our hearts for sure.