Valentine's Day 2019

Valentine's Day 2019


As I have mentioned before, we always do a very low key Valentine’s Day. We never buy each other crazy expensive gifts or go to fancy restaurants. We always cook in (usually lasagna), and we have even been known to set a limit of $5 for gifts, ha!

There was not any fancy breakfast this morning. I rarely eat breakfast, and Melody is so routine that she didn’t want anything but her usual nutrigrain bar and yogurt. However, after school, she was so happy to show me all of the things she received at school during their Valentine’s Exchange!


Then she immediately wanted to go outside and blow her bubbles! And she practically licks the bubbles when blowing them, ha.

After spending some time outside, it was time for Melody to nap. And I baked cookies for after dinner!

I iced cookies for the first time. These were the only decent ones out of 20 or so cookies. I learned from a LOT of mistakes I made, so hopefully my next set of iced cookies will look SO much better, ha!


When Brad got home, Melody made him go outside and blow bubbles too. And she was so mad when she had to come in.


Then we had our traditional lasagna for dinner. It was so, so yummy. It is probably yummier because we don’t eat it often. It is homemade and takes a while to make.


Then it was time to open presents!

And look at the flowers Brad got me! Flowers are rare in our household, so this was a surprise!

And of course, a selfie was required!

Painting Melody's Nails

Painting Melody's Nails

Orange Chicken

Orange Chicken