Painting Melody's Nails

Painting Melody's Nails


I painted Melody’s nails for the first time back before Christmas. Since then, she has wanted her nails constantly painted. Whenever one nail is missing paint, she comes to me asking for me to repaint them. It is super cute. Here is one of our last encounters…

First are her toenails. She has only recently let me start painting her toes actually. She always hates me touching her feet, so this came as a huge surprise. But she wanted pink glitter nails this time.

Then I painted her fingernails. She can be pretty still for this. She usually afraid to move too much in fear of messing them up. Fun fact, when I painted her nails the first time, she walked around in fear of using her hands for like 3 hours. She was so confused. It was quite funny.


Once I finish painting them, I use the hair dryer to speed up the drying. I do two coats of nail polish and no top coat. So it makes drying quicker too.

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