March 2019 Disney Trip Report Day One

March 2019 Disney Trip Report Day One


So my mom and I went to Disney World earlier this month with Melody. You may have already read about all the planning we did (not much, ha!). Now I want to share with you more about our trip. Below is our trip report from our very first day. This was our travel day, but we arrived early enough that we were able to visit a park too. Follow along!

To start with, I packed a small happy for Melody to open on the plane. I packed a Frozen Color Wonder Mess Free coloring book with markers and a bath doll. She picked out the doll before we left from Walmart, but she was clueless about the coloring book.


We flew Silver Airways (I will share more about our actual flight experience later). We were unable to check in online the day before our flight, so we arrived exactly 2 hours before our flight time to ensure plenty of time to check in, check luggage and get through security. While we typically get TSA Precheck, it isn’t always guaranteed. Anyhow, we spent about an hour checking in, then we headed through security. It was a breeze since we did in fact get TSA Precheck. We ate a quick breakfast, then we hung out at our gate. Melody had a snack and watched TV on my mom’s phone to keep occupied while we waited.

We started boarding around 20 minutes before our flight was scheduled to depart. Since it was a prop plane, we did not use a typical jetway. But we made it on and we all were sitting next to one another on the same row. Melody wanted to sit with her Nana, so I was able to sit by myself for the 2.5 hour flight!

To my surprise, they served a room temperature bottle of water and a pretty large bag of cheez-its. It was a pretty rough flight, and I regretted not having something with carbonation though! Melody did great, and we didn’t even pull out the new coloring book.

After landing in our sweaters and jackets, we were hit with the Orlando hit immediately upon exiting the plane, ha! Then we headed down to Magical Express. One nice part about this terminal is we were already on the Magical Express side of the airport.

We waited about 10 minutes then we were able to get on the bus.


About the time we got on the bus, I received the text from the hotel our room wasn’t ready. I received another text when I got to the hotel around 3 letting me know to check with the front desk about our room. This had me concerned, so I checked the app. It did list our room number, so we didn’t rush to the front desk right away. We had lunch, then we headed to the front desk. They just said it was letting me know my room was ready. It was all very weird. We then request bedrails to be delivered to our room, and we checked with bell services about delivering our Amazon Prime Now groceries. Since we had a case of water, we had them deliver it to our room.


When we made it to our room, the lady was delivering our bedrails. But our MagicBands did not work. After some confirmation, she finally let us in our room. The bellhop was also there, so that helped our case too. Anyhow, she dropped off the bedrails (I was disappointed she didn’t install them), bellhop dropped off our groceries, then we freshened up. Mom attempted to put the bedrails on while I went through my backpack. I also noticed this nice little gift from Disney. It was odd, but nice.

I plan to do a future post, but prime now is how I will always get my groceries at Disney in the future!


After getting are things situated, we headed to the bus stop for Animal Kingdom. We figured we could spend a few hours there that evening. After about 20 minutes, we finally had a bus arrive. Then we ended up having to stop at all the stops at Riverside. Melody enjoyed the ride, and we tried to remain positive, but it took us an hour from getting to the bus stop to actually get to Animal Kingdom.

And we made it!


We went straight to The Boneyard first. That was the primary reason we went to Animal Kingdom. Melody loves this area!

After about 45 minutes, I convinced Melody to leave The Boneyard and go ride TriceraTop Spin. I knew she would love it, and she saw it from afar while playing. We waited in line for about 10 minutes, rode it, then waited 10 minutes more, and rode it again. Melody loves it just like I thought.

We then left the area and went and got our stroller. Melody wanted a snack, so we bought her some popcorn and headed back to our safari fastpass.

We made our fastpass in plenty of time, and we had a pretty awesome safari since it was so dark.

It was getting late (7:15), and very few quick service restaurants were still open near us. We had one more fastpass for Navi’ River Journey, but we were all too hungry to wait it out. So we opted to head back to the hotel and grab dinner there. Mom and I split a salad, then we had a beignet sundae (I prefer the ice cream on the side so it doesn’t melt). Plus Melody really wanted just ice cream, so that was easiest. The waits at the food court were insane this trip. I think I waited 20 minutes each time I went up there.

After dinner, we headed back to the room and called it a night. We unpacked everything and all took baths before going to bed. We attempted to install the bedrails ourselves. We still aren’t sure they were installed perfectly, but Melody never fell off the bed, ha!

March 2019 Disney Trip Report Day Two

March 2019 Disney Trip Report Day Two

Tilapia with Avocado Cream Sauce

Tilapia with Avocado Cream Sauce