March 2019 Disney Trip Report Day Three

March 2019 Disney Trip Report Day Three


So my mom and I went to Disney World earlier this month with Melody. You may have already read about all the planning we did (not much, ha!). Now I want to share with you more about our trip. Below is our trip report from our third day. We spent half of our day at Magic Kingdom and the evening at Disney Springs. Follow along!

We had a breakfast reservation to start our morning at Be Our Guest. It was for 8:35 am. We made it to Magic Kingdom around 7:45 am. We had a pretty long line to get through security, which surprised me based on our past experience on pre-park opening breakfast mornings. But we made it through it and the turnstiles, and we even stopped for pictures in front of the castle around 8 am. We wore the same shirts we wore back in September, and since I had a large weight loss since then, I was looking forward to recreating the pictures we took in September. It wasn’t quite the dramatic picture I was hoping for, but it was still nice to see.

So after our pictures, we headed to check in for our breakfast reservation. We were sent into the preorder like, which like I mentioned back in February, was much longer during the pre-park opening hours. Then when it was our turn to go inside, they sent us in the line with the people who had not ordered. It went much slower and was very frustrating. It took us about 20 minutes to get through the line even though we pre-ordered. But we went on with life because we didn’t have much of a choice. So we ate breakfast and had our usuals.

Then we immediately headed to the carousel because Melody requested it.


Oh and when the crowds were let in at 9 am, whew it was insane!


Then we went and did our first ride of the teacups, followed by our second ride, and a third.

Then we headed for Dumbo. We had a fastpass for this ride, but then we rode it a second time without. Melody really wanted to play in the play area. It’s insane she remembered that there was a play area before Dumbo. Even when she couldn’t see it, she would get upset if we skipped it, ha!


At this point it was becoming SUPER hot and super crowded. So much so that we tried to find sunscreen for Melody. It took multiple gift shops, but $15 later we found some! Then we went and rode the PeopleMover, twice. It is one of Melody’s favorites too. And the lines were even intense for it! But we did get a cool stop with the lights on during Space Mountain.

We headed out around noon. Like I said, it was hot and crowded. Melody was tired. And we just decided to eat lunch back at our hotel.

We had lunch in our room before taking naps. Then we decided to head to Disney Springs. It was always our intent to do Disney Springs this evening, but I also thought it might be nice to go to a park. But Melody voted shopping so it made more sense to do that. We had to wait around 20-25 minutes for a boat to take us from Port Orleans French Quarter to Disney Springs. And it was FULL. Man the crowds were crazy!


After arriving mom and I went to get margaritas. They were much needed for the long, crowded, crazy day we had. I ordered the special drink of the day which was a watermelon margarita. OMG it was great! I wanted a frozen drink, but this came on the rocks and it was still amazing. I highly recommend it. I love margaritas but I hate how sometimes it can be overpowered with the taste of tequila. But the watermelon really helped with that.


Mom ordered a strawberry-colada. It was a frozen drink, and it was super refreshing. Honestly we both really liked both drinks. She was unable to finish it, so did!

While sipping on our drinks, we watched some dancers performing onstage. Melody found this a lot of fun and eventually got out of her stroller and tried to mimic them.


We walked through World of Disney and did some shopping. Melody loved the castle. Honestly I was a little tipsy at this point and bought way too much. Had that castle fit in my basket I would have likely bought it!

Then we headed to have dinner at Chicken Guy! Since we weren’t on a dining plan, we decided to get one chicken sandwich like usual and the loaded fries without the bacon (although they forgot that part). Unfortunately they were out of the garlic parmesan sauce :( so we got all ranch. I do really like their ranch, but it was still disappointing. The loaded fries were really, really good. I would likely get it again if we were not on the dining plan. It is really rich and easily splittable!

After dinner, Melody wanted some care cream, so we walked over to Haagen Dazs. My mom and Melody each just got a mini scoop of ice cream (strawberry and chocolate), and I got a Dulce De Leche milkshake. All of that was $22!! How crazy! But it was all very tasty.

We then headed back to the boat and took it back to the hotel. We let Melody play on the playground some to burn some energy. We let her spend about an hour playing. I had to go deal with some Magical Express stuff (more details when it comes to Silver later), but mom sat outside with her during that time. She had a lot of fun and loves their playground.

Then off to bed we go! Lots of packing and prepping for our departure tomorrow :(

March 2019 Disney Trip Report Day Four

March 2019 Disney Trip Report Day Four

March 2019 Disney Trip Report Day Two

March 2019 Disney Trip Report Day Two