Father's Day 2019

Father's Day 2019

Father's Day 2019.jpg

Father’s Day this year was pretty low key. We have had (and continue to have) a LOT going on, so we definitely used this day as an excuse to relax as much as possible (including mommy and Melody, ha!).

Brad started the morning off by sleeping in. We didn’t do a fancy breakfast because we had a huge lunch planned. We both had protein shakes and called it a morning. We did give Brad his gifts while I protein shakes were freezing. We bought him a laptop stand that let’s his laptop store vertically on his desk so that he doesn’t waste space when charging it. And we also got him a book. It is more for him to read to Melody though. It is a Aerospace Engineering book for toddlers. Once he opened it, Melody wanted it read to her immediately.

We had lunch reservations at Texas de Brazil at 11. Our servers were kind of odd in how they handle our table, but the gauchos were great. Everything was cooked exactly like I wanted without me asking, and they were fairly constant in coming to our table. And the food itself was great as always. Since it was Father’s Day, sodas and teas were free as was dessert. We did have a small issue in regards to them charging us for Melody (we were told if she didn’t eat she wouldn’t be charged, and she didn’t even touch a thing because they don’t serve peanut butter or French fries, ha!). But they easily resolved it.

After lunch we promised Melody vanilla ice cream. She only had a few bites, but she did so good at lunch so it was her reward basically.

We walked around a bit, then headed home.

Brad did have to mow, and I had some chores to do around the house too. But after all of that was done, we all took naps.

Naps were followed by McDonald’s being delivered thanks to Grub South. We likely won’t make that splurge again since it was nearly double the normal price after all the fees. Then it was nighttime cuddles before bed!

Roasted Chicken with Vegetables

Roasted Chicken with Vegetables

DIY Happy Everything Attachment

DIY Happy Everything Attachment