DIY Happy Everything Attachment

DIY Happy Everything Attachment

DIY Happy Everything Attachment.jpg

A few years ago, my best friend Emily gave me an adorable Happy Everything serving dish. I adore serving dishes (my husband despises them!). Well last year I was lucky and found the perfect attachment for her “You are my Sunshine” themed party. Well I didn’t have much luck finding a good apple or princess attachment for Melody’s Snow White party. So I decided to make my own!

I found a cute wooden apple at Hobby Lobby for $1. I simply hot glued velcro to the back of the wooden apple, and ta-da. A made my own attachment. Now the negative is the hot glue I used wasn’t great enough to keep the velcro on after the party. I think if you used super glue or wood glue, it would likely last. But either way, it did not ruin the apple and can easily be reattached. And it looked perfect (at least to me!).

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