Gymnastics 2019

Gymnastics 2019

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Melody first started gymnastics last summer. She really didn’t enjoy it, and we opted to not sign her up or the fall and spring last year. I would basically have to force Melody to go from station to station, and it just wasn’t enjoyable at all. Brad wanted to give it another go this summer, so I had him pick a time that he could attend the class with her.

We picked 5 days out of the 7 days offered since we would be on vacation during the other two weeks. Ironically Brad missed two of the five classes due to a work conflict, ha! Melody definitely did better with Brad than me even this year. I think it is because I try and make her do every single station. And Brad will let her skip things if she fights back too much.

This year she definitely enjoyed it more, and she has even asked to go back. She was more adventurous except she would not do any flips or anything that required her to go upside down. So we decided to still take a break at least for the fall. She is now in school three days a week, and she is doing dance another day. For now we want a day of nothing. I do plan to try it again next summer when it is no longer a mommy and me class! Below are some pictures from our experience this year.

Garlic Bread Pizza

Garlic Bread Pizza

First Day of School

First Day of School