Summer Break 2019

This summer seriously flew by! It didn’t help we spent the first part staging our home to sell. Then the middle selling and buying a home. And at the end we spent it packing and moving. I really had big hopes for our summer, but we didn’t accomplish half of what I thought we would. However, after looking through all these pictures below, I realized we sure did have a lot of fun even during the chaos!
We tried and spent as much time outside with our bouncy house and playing with friends at our old house as possible. At the time we didn’t know where we would be moving or when, but we knew our time in our backyard was limited. We had lots of popsicles and lots of fun!
We also spent at least once a week at my parents’ pool. Melody loved the pink flamingo my mom bought for their pool. And after a few swim lessons, Melody began getting more comfortable in her puddle jumper and moving around the pool!
Melody got to tag along on my weekly Publix runs!
We visited Memphis for cousin Caroline’s 4th birthday! And we got some quality time with all of our cousins!
We spent our birthday money on a Paw Patrol tent which she is STILL obsessed with! I am thankful we now have a playroom where it can stay up all the time.
We ate out and made new friends.
We continued working on our shapes.

We went to the movies a few times. I really expected us to spend more time at the movies, but potty training and movies don’t go well together, ha!
We found a few new parks and spent a few afternoons playing. And we spent sometime at our playground in our old neighborhood before moving.
We went to Montgomery on a work trip with my mom. She got to work on the “computer”, play with the sunroof, and swim.
We went to a Monster Truck show with my dad. Melody loved seeing all the trucks.
We went and visited Nannie and Bob Bob along with our cousins! Lydia even tagged along on one of our trips!
Brad traveled for work, so we surprised him at the airport when he returned!
Melody got to go to two summer fun days at her preschool. It was a nice break for this mom and a fun morning for her.

Brad got his oboe tuned and started playing again. Melody was jealous so we bought her a recorder, and now her and Brad play together most nights.

Overall it was a great and exhausting summer!