On Saturday I celebrated my 34th birthday. We had such a fun and laid back day, and we had so much yummy food!
To start, Brad made me French toast for breakfast. It’s a rare meal these days, so it was delicious!
After breakfast, I opened up my presents from some of my family, Brad and Melody. Down below you can see the present Melody had Brad make for me. I gave him a 3D printer for Christmas, and she wanted him to make me an Oreo birthday cake. He did a great job, and Melody was so happy to give it to me! I also received lots of other fun presents to go along with it. I was given two cute purses, a new backpack, a laptop stand, and an Apple Pencil. I also received some cash that I intend to put towards a new craft table for my craft room now that I have more space.
We then got ready and headed to Grille 29 for lunch/brunch. We opted to go during the daytime because I wanted the possibility of brunch, and it also gave us the opportunity to eat my birthday cake after dinner at home. We usually get so full from eating out at night and having dessert at the restaurant, we don’t eat cake! I ended up not getting brunch, but taking part in their lunch menu instead. I had the firecracker shrimp with their cheese grits. Their cheese grits are some of the best I have ever had. And the firecracker shrimp is delicious. It has a bit of a kick, but nothing unbearable. Brad had the sirloin, grits, and asparagus. It wasn’t as good as their filet, but still good.
For dessert, I had the snickerdoodle cheesecake. That is their current special, and it was amazing. It truly tasted like a snickerdoodle cupcake with chocolate drizzle. And then the cookie placed on top was the softest cookie I have had. Brad had the fudge cake that he enjoys.
After lunch, we went to Publix to get my cake and a few odds and ends. Melody always has to ride to the second floor of our Publix and look around. It is just a sitting area, but she loves looking down at all of the people.
Then we headed to Costco. While this may not be fun for most, I have been wanting to go back and join Costco for quite some time. And I love walking through there.
After our Costco trip, we headed home and started cooking. We had filets, scallops, baked potatoes, and bread. It was all so yummy, but I was unable to finish it all.
We cleaned up and went ahead and took baths to help make room for cake. After baths we enjoyed my ice cream cake. It was super cute and Melody was excited about it too.
And at the end of the night we realized Brad and I didn’t take a single picture together, so we took a quick selfie!
I had such a fun birthday thanks to Brad, Melody, and my family. And we also spent the rest of the weekend being lazy at home. It was a fun and relaxing birthday weekend!