Pandemic Legacy Season Two Late September

Pandemic Legacy Season Two Late September

Pandmeic Legacy Season Two Late September.jpg

Since we lost September to start with, we now get another chance at winning the month.

Below is how our board started.


And below is how the game went:

  • Brittany went first. She connected Moscow to Tehran and Tehran to Delhi; Used the Airlift; Dar es Salaam plagued

  • Brad - Washington plagued

  • Emily - Monitor: Build tower, search free, Cairo, Epidemic

  • Brittany - Connected Delhi to Kolkata and Kolkata to New Mumbai; Washington plagued

  • Brad - Monitor: New York, Lagos, Istanbul, Epidemic; Supply Center: Chicago; San Fransisco plagued

  • Justin - Epidemic: Jacksonville; One Quiet Night

  • Emily - Satellite Tower: LA

  • Brittany - Exposed, sear: Disoriented (below); Hidden stockpile (below that); Sea lane: New Mumbai to Alderaan; Tehran and London plagued

  • Brad - Monitor: Istanbul, Denver, Washington, Unrationed Event; Monitor: Lagos, Washington, Atlanta, Epidemic; Supply Center: Denver; San Fransisco plagued

  • I am not really sure who managed to get the box below, but it was around this point.

  • Justin - Epidemic: Lagos; San Fransisco plagued; We LOST

Below is the outcome of our supply centers, plague cubes, and hallow men:

  • Tehran -1 (0)

  • Dar es Salaam -1 (0)

  • Cairo 0

  • Lagos +1 (7)

  • London 0

  • Washington 0

  • Los Angeles +1 (6)

  • Chicago +1 (5)

  • New York -1 (1)

  • Bogota -1 (0)

  • San Fransisco -1 (3)

  • Denver +1 (4)

We received 5 production units. We used the description key (1), permanent satellite tower (3), and we added an upgrade to Washington, but I can’t remember what it was, ha.

We also received the new cards below:

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Fishing Silhouette Banner

Fishing Silhouette Banner