Unexpectedly Homeschooling Week One

Unexpectedly Homeschooling Week One

Unexpectedly Homeschooling Week One.jpg

Well as most of you are likely experiencing, all of our local schools have closed for the next three weeks (at least). While Melody is still in preschool, we still feel we need to find things educational to do as well as keep a decent schedule. She works much better with a schedule, and if we get too out of routine, I know going back to school will be killer! So below are some of the things I plan to do during this quarantine to help us remain sane and calm!

General Schedule

So I knew I needed to come up with a general schedule to keep us on most of the time. My goal is to do this at least 4 days a week if not more.

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Lesson Plans

So I have a schedule, now I feel like in order to actually keep said schedule, I need to make it into an actual list with specifics that I can check off. I work best this way. So below are our plans for this first week. You can ignore the pink writing which are my to-do’s. I ended up making a separate list in the end for all the things I want to do during this time.

Craft wise I have a busy box of crafts that Melody got for Christmas. I am doing one of those each day.

I also have a preschool book I bought a while back that I plan to continue doing lessons out of that we have not done already.

Additional Resources

Below are some of the additional resources are preschool teachers sent us to help us keep the kids busy during this stressful few weeks.

Big Sister Gift

Big Sister Gift

Deep Freezer Organization

Deep Freezer Organization