All tagged Corona Virus

Watermelon Matching Game

During all of our homeschooling due to COVID-19, we had to get creative with our crafts. Crafts are Melody’s favorite. I found this one on Crayola’s website. It was a really easy craft to make, and we continue to play with it even today. Melody doesn’t follow instructions 100%, but your child may, ha!

Calendar Time at Home

Back in March when school was closed, and we had to start homeschooling due to COVID-19, we had to get creative about learning at home. One of the things I wanted to continue while at home was calendar time. I decided to make my own calendar at home. I laminated everything so that I could use a dry erase marker on it and reuse it throughout the year.

Craft Stick Sunshine

If you are looking for a fairly easy craft to do to remind you of the outside while not suffering in the high humidity, this is it, ha! You can improvise with supplies if you don’t have what I used on hand, and it is easy for just about any age to do.

3D Printed Volcano

During the quarantine we have tried to find fun ways to entertain ourselves at home. One of those things involved making a volcano. I had seen people doing this all over my facebook feed simply using a clear solo cup. But Brad decided to go beyond that and make a volcano using his 3D printer!

Unexpectedly Homeschool Week Eleven

So as much fun as I have had doing these weekly posts, I am planning for this to be my last post in regards to homeschooling for a while. This current week we are taking a break since we have a lot of birthdays we are celebrating which means spending some much needed time with our families. However, I do plan to continue using the resources I have mentioned before throughout the summer for at least 2 days a week. I am aiming do to 3 days, but once things start to open back up more and we get out more, I don’t want to count on it. These posts will be neat to look back on as we get back to normal again, and I plan to of course continue blogging and updating you with all the things we have going on in our lives!

Unexpectedly Homeschooling Week Ten

So this would have been Melody’s last week of school and her last week of dance before her recital this past weekend. Well we know the ending to that story, right? We actually get to go to her preschool this week and pick up her things since we unexpectedly stopped school. It will be through the carline and we won’t get to hug or see any of her classmates, but at least this does give us some closure. As far as her dance recital, it has been postponed until June. And she actually gets to go back to dance class next week! Yay! Anyhow, onto the week. We did school as usual, but Melody was not into getting dressed in her tutu and tights for dance, so we didn’t argue. Our biggest battle this week was learning to brush our teeth with fluoride toothpaste. Anything that involves change is a battle. But by the end of the week she wasn’t fighting us as much!

Back Yard Work

One of our big projects we planned this year was tackling our back yard. I love the room we have back there, and our covered back porch is AMAZING! However, the flower beds just were not our cup of tea. Don’t get me wrong, if this is your thing, great. It just isn’t ours. I would MUCH rather have that space for Melody to run free, and we plan to eventually use that space for a grilling area. Well since we have been home during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had the time to really devote to doing things all around the house. And that includes our backyard! LOTS of pictures ahead!

Miss You Coloring Sheet

During the beginning of the quarantine, Melody was really missing her grandparents (and friends and anyone that wasn’t Brad or me, ha!). So I decided to make a coloring sheet that she could send to our parents. I hoped she would make it more colorful, but purple is her favorite color! And she decided to make the hearts faces, haha.

Color Mixing

I decided to make a color mixing sheet using Microsoft Word to show Melody what colors make when mixed together. This is actually a really fun and semi-mess free “craft”. We have mixed colors beyond the primary colors too. When we do this craft, I let her go through all of my paint and pick all the colors she wants to mix together. We then use q-tips to do the mixing which makes this a pretty clean activity even while using paint!

Unexpectedly Homeschooling Week Nine

So we are very, very close to what would have been the end of our school year. Preschool always ended a week or so earlier than the city schools. It is really bittersweet to be here, but that is where we are. Ironically Melody wore the same apple dress (as more of a shirt/tunic on Friday), that she wore a year ago. Next week we tackle new learning tools too! Below you can find pictures from our week this week!

Quarantine Fun

So being told you have to stay home for the foreseeable future and you can’t see anyone else is hard. So to say we have had fun may come as a surprise. We do really, really miss our family and friends, BUT we have enjoyed the slowness and time together. Melody is a fun age where we don’t have to take things too seriously if we don’t want too, but she does thrive on schedule. So we have tried to maintain a schedule while having lots of fun too! And we are getting to FaceTime our family and friends which helps! Below are some of the pictures from our quarantine time in March and April!

Unexpectedly Homeschooling Week Eight

So in the COVID-19 world, Alabama was released from our “stay at home orders” and now we are under “safer at home orders again”. Basically non-essential stores may open at lower capacities, but that does not include salons, massage parlors, etc. There are some other rules and changes, and you can find those online if you are truly interested. That all began on Friday, May 1. We don’t really plan to change much, if any, of our routine until we see how these next two weeks pan out.

Painted Chick

We did this craft before Easter, but I think it also can be a craft you can do anytime. It is another unique craft in that you don’t use a paint brush. And if your kid is a little older, they should be able to do it all without little help!

Unexpectedly Homeschool Week Seven

This week has been a really good week as far as school goes. Melody has actively participated, and we were also able to repurpose my old computer so that Melody can watch her videos on that without using mine. We accomplished a lot of crafts including some for Mother’s Day and a few “miss you” ones too. We took a break from dance on Thursday. I think Melody may be getting burned out doing it twice a week. So we may back down to the usual once a week and see if that helps her eagerness. Daddy was teacher one morning while I had a checkup at my doctor. We also had to rearrange things on Friday because we had to make an urgent trip to the local urgent care for Brad. A few stitches later and he is good. And we were able to finish the day up!

Playroom Makeover

The playroom/bonus room/craft room has always been a difficult room for me. When we bought this house, we loved the size of this room. It offered us a space that both Melody and I could easily share between her toys and all of my crafting supplies. It even has a nice big closet with shelving installed. Well once we finally moved in and got everything up there, I realized we have a LOT of toys and we are lacking in the organization department when it comes to all of these toys. Christmas did not help this either! We did try to spread the toys between her bedroom, the living room, the kitchen, and the playroom. However, we found that doing this some rooms just were left out during playtime. So now she doesn’t have any toys in the kitchen (she has a cabinet with arts and crafts for downstairs), and we have reduced the number of toys in the living room and her bedroom. So now we have a majority of the toys upstairs in the playroom. But this has caused even more organizational issues.

Our Freezer, Again

So one of this issues during the current pandemic is food access and remaining safe. We have always kept a stocked pantry and freezer, but now we don’t have the luxury to just pop in and out of the store if we think we need something. So one of the things I did was go back through our freezer and get a good count of every single thing we have. This would make grocery planning easier and keep us in the know of exactly what we have at all times.

Unexpectedly Homeschooling Week Six

This week I am keeping it simple. We did school; we learned; we danced; we played; we crafted; we are still exhausted, ha! A few new things this week happened though. Melody did start riding her tricycle on her own for long stints. We did take a really long nap after this long, exhausting week.

Fingerprint Cross

So while we did this craft as an Easter craft, it can definitely be a craft you can do anytime of year. We plan to display this cross year around. Because of this, I did it on a canvas instead of regular paper. But this also can be done on regular paper too!

Painting with Easter Eggs

If you are like me, you now have tons of those plastic Easter eggs laying around this week. Well one thing you can do with them is have your kids paint with them! You can make this as simple or as elaborate as you want. I let Melody pick 4 paint colors. Then we took two eggs and separated them. Then she used the inside of each egg to paint.

Easter Weekend 2020

As I mentioned on Easter, it is a different one this year. We made the best of the entire weekend though. We spent a lot of time outside on Saturday since it was supposed to be stormy and rainy on Sunday. We ended up cooking a nice lunch and spending the day hunting eggs, watching church, and FaceTiming family!