Pandemic Legacy Season Two Early January

Pandemic Legacy Season Two Early January

Pandemic Legacy Season Two Early January.jpg

As mentioned in a previous post, I plan to try and post weekly about our experience playing Pandemic Legacy Season Two. There will be many spoilers, and I honestly can’t identify them before each one, so reader beware! Now follow along on our very first game post-prologue!

So below is the board pre-setup.


We opened the new cards in the Legacy Deck. We had a new journal entry and a note from the archives. These explain what is going in the game at this point. We read them aloud before each game, and sometimes we read them again during the game if we think we missed something. We also received two new objectives that were not part of the prologue. As you can see near the top of the board, it tells you how many objectives you must complete each month to win. If you complete these you win. Sometimes you have mandatory objectives that must be completed. Anything outside of the mandatory ones our optional as long as you complete the required number. We were also given a turning point card. You only perform the action on this card if you meet the requirements of said card.

So based on all of that, we distributed the supply cubes. It is up to you on how you distribute them. But you can only distribute the number identified for the month that you are playing. And then the next step is to infect the grid. You draw the first 9 cards in the infection deck. You move 1 supply cube off of said city and move it back to the supply cube stockpile.

Now we prepared the player deck and dealt cards. After dealing out cards to each player, then redoing the deck to include the epidemics, you select your characters. You do not have to be the same character every single game, although we tend to be.

And now it was time to start playing!


Brad went first, and right out of the gate he drew an epidemic. It was Washington, so all of those cubes were removed.

I didn’t take pictures of every move or even most of our moves. I did keep a running log of the important ones however. Check out the rest of the highlights from the game below -

  • Emily removed 2 New York cards from the Infection Deck using Resilient Population

  • Brad's 2nd turn - he used Team Bravo to add 2 cubes to Tripoli (Brittany and Brad were on it)

  • Justin's 2nd turn Istanbul plagued

  • Emily's 2nd turn - she drew an epidemic: Cairo; used produce supplies card

  • Brittany’s 2nd turn - she got 2 black cards to make 5 total; Istanbul plagued

  • Justin's 3rd turn Lagos and Cairo both plagued

  • Brittany’s 3rd turn - she built supply center in Cairo; Cairo plagued

  • Brad's 4th turn - epidemic: Washington; used One Quiet Night

  • Justin's 4th turn - he used the airlift to get Brittany to Justin; Justin takes 2 blue cards from Brittany; he builds a supply center in Washington; Istanbul plagued

  • Emily's 4th turn - she used produced supplies; dropped 3 supply cubes on Washington; Sao Paulo and Cairo plagued - GAME OVER

Below was the best picture I got of the end of the game, but we had already removed a few cubes.


Below are the impacts on each cities’ population due to supply centers and plague cubes.

  • Washington +1

  • Sao Paulo -1

  • Cairo 0 (wash)

  • Lagos -1

  • Istanbul -1

When reading the legacy deck, we received 4 new rationed event cards. You can see those below.

We did receive 3 production units to spend, so we added architect to our Ackbar character.

Brad is 37!

Brad is 37!

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