Laundry Stripping

Laundry Stripping

Laundry Stripping.jpg

A few weeks ago or so, I saw a story on Instagram where someone had “stripped” their laundry. I decided it was worth a shot to try on both our towels and Melody’s towels. We have had our towels since we got married back in 2013, and Melody’s towels since 2016. I figured if nothing else, they may come out smelling a bit better overall. Check out my results below.

To do this, you will need -

  • 1 cup of powdered Tide detergent

  • 1/4 cup of washing soda

  • 1/4 cup of Borax


So I used Melody’s bathtub since no one ever bathes in there except guests (and even that is rare). I filled the tub with HOT water, then I mixed in the ingredients above. Then I added our towels. I did ours separate from Melody’s, but you can see both.

Then about once an hour I stirred them around.

After about 6 hours, or when the water cools, I ran the towels on a rinse only cycle in the washing machine. First off, do you see this water? And yes, I am sure some of it is dye and such, but in Melody’s towels there were some white ones that did not discolor.

And below are Melody’s towels, nice and dry. I forgot to take a picture of ours. So the towels did smell good after the drying, but it did not retain the smell any longer than normal. And they were not any softer. So I don’t know that it was entirely worth it, but it was a fun experiment. I hear some people who have had better results though.

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