Pandemic Legacy Season Two Early December

Pandemic Legacy Season Two Early December

Pandemic Legacy Season Two Early December.jpg

We went into this game with the idea that it could be our last, but we also felt like we knew so little. I could it already be over?

First we went through the Legacy Deck.

We received a new objective. We destroyed all of the β€œcomplete the plan” cards, and we now only have the one new objective to complete, Deliver the Sample.

Below is how we started the game.


Below is how the game went:

  • Emily went first

  • Brad - Utopia plagued

  • Emily - Epidemic: Kolkata; one quiet night

  • Justin - Kolkata plagued; added Lake Baikal; We received the following cards after adding it:

  • Brittany - Epidemic: Utopia

  • Justin - Used Event card to remove 2 epidemics

  • Brad - Recon Jakarta

  • Justin - New Haven Coruscant, Recon


Below is door 19. We received a new city, Wellington.

We received a new character.


We also received new stickers to help us keep track of the labs as we found them.

  • Brad - Connected Bagdad to Riyadh and Cairo to Khartoum

  • Emily - Epidemic: St. Petersburg

  • Justin - Searched Baghdad

  • Brittany - Connected Khartoum to Kinshasa; Epidemic: Utopia; Lost

Below are the changes made due to the supply centers and plague cubes/hallow men:

  • Los Angeles +1 (already at max of 8)

  • Denver -1 (3)

  • Washington 0

  • New York -1 (0)

  • Lagos +1 (8)

  • London +1 (6)

  • Cairo 0

  • Johannesburg 0

  • Utopia -1 (7)

  • Kolkata -1 (0)

We received 5 units. We spent 3 to make the Johannesburg supply center permanent. We spent another 2 to increase Kinshasa to 1.

Below are scars we received at the end of the game to add to our collection

Bellpepper Egg Salad Boats

Bellpepper Egg Salad Boats

Laundry Stripping

Laundry Stripping