Pandemic Legacy Season Two Early November

Pandemic Legacy Season Two Early November

Pandemic Legacy Season Two Early November.jpg

After winning what seemed fairly easy in October, we were hoping we found a good rhythm to finish out the game. Follow along below to see.

First up was the Legacy Deck. We had an intelligence report (we didn’t scratch of course, journal entry, and
from the archives”.

We now have a new priority. It is actually the only priority now - complete the plan. You can also see the plan in the other two cards below.

Below is our board after setup.


And below is after the initial infection.

  • And below is how the game went -

  • Justin - went first; shelter: Baghdad

  • Brittany - epidemic: Lagos

  • Brad - shelter: Kolkata; Lagos plagued

  • Justin - Kolkata connected to Bangkok; Lagos plagued

  • Brittany - Chicago plagued

  • Brad - Kolkata connected to Ho Chi Minh City; Epidemic: Washington

  • Justin - used rationed event to gain 3 extra moves; Ho Chi Minh City connected to Hong Kong; Hong Kong connected to Shanghai; Recon Blue in Shanghai

  • Brad - Hong Kong connected to Manila; Epidemic: Atlanta

  • Justin - Recon Yellow in Shanghai; Shanghai connected to Seoul; We Lost

Below are the impacts on each cities’ population due to supply centers and plague cubes.

  • Los Angeles 0 (7)

  • Chicago -1 (5)

  • Washington 0 (8)

  • Endor -1 (1)

  • Lagos 0 (7)

  • Cairo +1 (at max of 8)

  • London +1 (5)

  • Frankfurt -1 (0 - infested)

We received 6 production units. We spent 4 total on adding permanent shelters to Kolkata and Baghdad. And then the last 2 to increase Endor to 2.

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