Alabama/Ole Miss Football Game 2022

Alabama/Ole Miss Football Game 2022

We got to go to our first and only game of the 2022 football season back in November. We went to see Ole Miss and Alabama play each other in Oxford. We debated whether to take Melody, but she has a season ticket too. So we figured with it being the only game we could go to this year, why not. Now it was SO cold, but we knew it would be fun.

We arrived a little early so that we could see if there were any fun things for the kids to do outside of the stadium. Melody played a few games, won a t-shirt, and we took a picture.

Once we made it to the stadium, we bundled up and snapped some pictures before watching the game. It was quite the close game, but ultimately Alabama won. Melody handled the game well, but it was not as much fun for her as the games she attended in the past. There were a lot more people which meant she couldn’t run around and play as much. But she seemed to enjoy it as much as a 6 year old could!

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