All tagged Football Game

Alabama/Ole Miss Football Game 2022

We got to go to our first and only game of the 2022 football season back in November. We went to see Ole Miss and Alabama play each other in Oxford. We debated whether to take Melody, but she has a season ticket too. So we figured with it being the only game we could go to this year, why not. Now it was SO cold, but we knew it would be fun.

Ole Miss Game with Melody 2021

We took Melody to her first college football game back in 2019. We went to a non-SEC game, and while it was cold, she had a lot of fun. We decided to not go to any football games in 2020 due to COVID. But we continued with our season tickets this past 2021 season. We decided to take her to the Ole Miss/Vanderbilt game. This was basically the best game for us timing wise to take her due to Brad’s work travel and such.

Melody's First College Football Game

So last year, Melody attended her very first football game. It was a local high school game where my alma mater was playing. Well this year we decided to take her to her first college football game. My husband is a graduate of Ole Miss, and we continue to have season tickets there. They were playing a smaller game in November, so we decided that would be ideal for her. A friend of ours that has season tickets behind us let us have one of theirs for this particular game.