Summer 2022
We tried to fill the summer with as much fun as possible this year. We only had roughly 10 weeks to fit it all in, and boy did it fly by fast!
I started attempting to french braid Melody’s hair. I did get better as the summer went on, but I am still fairly slow at it, and I can really only do it when I do pigtails.
We finally found a new church home. We visited most of the summer before joining recently. Melody enjoyed her first VBS as well.
We went to some of the activities at the library. The girls wrote part of a book as well as made fun bubbles.
We did get out and enjoy some entertainment at Let’s Play, High Point, Kiddie Carnival, and the carousel at Bridgestreet.
We spent time at both my parents’ pool, and we blew up a cheap pool in the backyard.
We also found time outside even when it did not involve water.
Melody finally found a love of shaved ice. That’s good since we gave up ice cream apparently. She loves Kona Ice because she can add in the grape flavor herself.
And we just had lots of fun. It flew by, and it makes me sad how quickly it all ended. But we are still trying to enjoy the season of summer in the evenings and on the weekends!