Carnival App

Carnival App

Well let’s just continue the app reviews with another one this week. My April cruise was the first cruise I had been on in over 6 years! So some things were bound to be a different. A big difference came with the Carnival App. Carnival no longer provided paper copies of “The Fun Times”. Instead, everything you needed to know about you could find in their app. You cannot really explore their app from home, so I was sure to take A LOT of screenshots to share!

Let’s look at some of the basics of the app. When you first board, you will be instructed to do your muster station drill. I actually prefer this method over the old method 100%. You go to where it instructs within the app, you go over information with an employee. Then they mark you complete. You can find all of this on the app. The app also provides you with basic itinerary information was well as “what is going on now”.

Since the Fun Times no longer exist, it is hard to find full itineraries with all of the daily happenings online like you could before. So I decided to screen shot then and share them below by day!

Day One - Port Canaveral

Day Two - Nassau

Day Three - Princess Cays

Day Four - Day at Sea

Day Five - Port Canaveral (Departure Day)

Now let’s look at other options in the menu. First let’s look at the spa option. As you can see, you can click on it and look at all the different things they offer. Once you click on what you want, you can see available days/times and the cost. And you can book it directly in the app. Unfortunately I did not notice any spa deals when we were cruising this time. On past cruise, they would include deal flyers in the Fun Times. They may have had deals, but we just never saw any.

Next are the different “Kid’s Clubs”. I didn’t use any of these since we did not bring Melody, but I did peek around the app to look at options for when we do eventually take her on a cruise. I am not sure if you can sign up for anything within the app however.

One of my favorite things are the dining room food menus. Again, I was able to find some of these online, but not all. And I always like to know what I am going to order before I even arrive!

Night One

Dining Room Breakfast Menu (most days besides brunch day)

Night Two

Night Three

Dining Room Brunch Menu

Night Four

Another feature is adding your name to a waitlist at the restaurants. We had anytime dining, so we had to do this nightly for dinner. You also had to do this for breakfast too. So when you go to the information in the app, it will let you know the wait time (you can see this in the first photo). Then you can base when you check in for your meal with this information. We would usually check in as we were leaving the room. And by the time we made it to the dining room, our table would be ready. You would show the hostess, and they would take you to your table. Super easy.

Lastly are a few screenshots I wanted to also show you. One is the “My Planner” feature. You may notice in the daily itineraries above, some of them have red hearts. Well those are ones I “favorited”. I can find all of those in the “My Planner” portion of the app. And lastly, there is a place where you can see your account summary along with transaction details. This allows you to deal with any issues as you notice them vs. the last night.

I really enjoyed the app on our trip. It made things a whole lot easier when it came to navigation and such. I do wish they would give you access to more features before your cruise so you could familiarize yourself with the app before getting on board. But it is also really easy to catch on to as well.

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