Unfortunately we were unable to attend Breakfast with Santa with our family in 2024, so let me tell you about our 2023 experience.
All tagged 2023 Holidays
Unfortunately we were unable to attend Breakfast with Santa with our family in 2024, so let me tell you about our 2023 experience.
For Thanksgiving this year, we stayed home and celebrated with my side of the family. Brad was lucky enough to come home from his work trip just for the week of Thanksgiving. His hours were all messed up, but it was really nice having him here to celebrate. Since he was home for only a short period of time, I hosted my family. We had lots of fun, and we enjoyed the time with the family!
Halloween this year was a bit different since Brad was traveling for work and missed it. He did carve pumpkins right before leaving as well as going to the pumpkin patch with us. But this year Melody picked Princess Leia as her costume of choice making it extra hard not having her Star Wars loving daddy there.
Easter was lots of fun this year. We were so excited to spend our first Easter with our new church family, and we had lots of activities leading up to the day.