All tagged Dance 2018

Dance Pictures 2019

So I guess I should finally share Melody’s pictures from dance this last year, ha! I mean we only have had them since March…Oh well! She was a stinker and refused to smile, but that’s the norm!

2019 Dance Recital

This year, Melody performed in her first ever dance recital! She started taking dance classes back in September (Part One, Part Two, and Part Three). While this year had its ups and downs, Melody loved every minute. And next year we will be more prepared, and we will likely have way more ups because of that, ha!

Dance 2018 Part Two

It is crazy how much Melody has learned in dance over the last few months, even since my last post about her starting to dance. They have not started to learn their spring routine yet, but they are learning some of the basics and how to follow instructions. Melody seems to be doing better and better. She is becoming a little less timid about “performing” alone. And at home she knows all about ballerina arms and dance, ha! Here are some more pictures of the rest of our 2018 during dance.

Dance Teacher Gifts

This is Melody’s first year in dance. And since Christmas is during the dance year, I wanted to do a small gift for her teachers. She has one teacher and two assistants. For Christmas, I decided to get them all the same gift. One of the assistants is a boy, so I had to keep that in mind when deciding on a gift to give. I also wanted something that representing dance in some way. This made things really difficult. But I fell back to a super easy gift of chocolate. Chocolate works for all genders and most people like it. So I knew I wanted to do something like that. I had found some cute ideas with mason jars that made the jar look like a reindeer. Well that was a bit too much work for me. So instead, I played off the idea of mason jars, and I decided to decorate them with vinyl using my Silhouette Cameo. See how I did it below (oh, and this could easily be done without a Silhouette!).

Dance 2018

We enrolled Melody in gymnastics this summer to see how she would like it. So then we decided to give dance class a try this fall/spring. So far Melody has only had about 5-6 classes (we missed one due to vacation and one for sickness), but she seems to enjoy it. I am really looking forward to seeing how she continues to do over the next 6 months or so. We are also hoping to add back gymnastics in the near future when an evening opening becomes available. Our days are just so busy! We haven’t been allowed to go into the class and watch them learn except for about 5 minutes at the end. So here are a few pictures of those moments (and a few I was able to take of her before or after her class).