2019 Dance Recital

2019 Dance Recital

2019 Dance Recital.jpg

This year, Melody performed in her first ever dance recital! She started taking dance classes back in September (Part One, Part Two, and Part Three). While this year had its ups and downs, Melody loved every minute. And next year we will be more prepared, and we will likely have way more ups because of that, ha!

Recital started with rehearsals. This was chaos to say the least. Parking wasn’t ideal, so we had to walk quite a bit. Then once we got to the actual hall, it wasn’t clear where we were supposed to go. And Melody wasn’t cooperating. The lists go on and on. The pictures below are of her throwing an absolute fit to get a picture with the backdrop for the recital.

She also had an attitude getting dressed and undressed out of her costume.


She did hurt her toe afterwards while running from me trying to change clothes. And she limped the entire way to the car, but nothing ice cream and a best friend couldn’t fix.


Thankfully the recital was two days later, and as long as her toe was covered, it didn’t bother her. We got up and going on recital morning. We needed to be there by 8:30 to get a good seat (the show didn’t start until 10 though). I dressed Melody in a cute tutu dress just in case she wanted to change after the recital, but she still wanted the dance feel. She was so excited and adorable. And the boots were a requirement, ha!

Both of her grandmothers visited backstage as we got her ready. Melody cooperated much more this morning. Maybe it was the grandparents being there, but she did whatever we said, ha.


She took a few cute pictures with her friends backstage, and then we set them in their line up to go on stage.

Melody was the third performance, and we had great seats. She did so good considering how distracted she sometimes gets.

After her performance, I went back and got her. They don’t care to keep the 2 year olds after their performance, ha. Their was quite a line at the backdrop for photos, so I just took a few along the wall before covering her up and heading back in for the rest of the recital.

Afterwards, she immediately wanted her boots on, and we gave her her flowers and took pictures. She didn’t cooperate, but we forced pictures anyhow.

Once we stopped taking “formal” pictures, she was as happy as could be, and she was all smiles!

Her performance ironically was to “whistle while you work”, and she had so much fun with it. She still does the dance anytime the song comes on or we watch Snow White. I am not sure how she is going to react all summer and fall when she doesn’t get to do that dance anymore. Either way, we had so much fun, and next year we will be so much more prepared and relaxed!

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