Melody's Five Month Schedule

Melody's Five Month Schedule

So Melody's schedule only changed slights from her four month schedule.  When she was around 4 1/2 months old, we introduced her to solids.  So now we have two feedings of solids a day.  Our pediatrician recommended one feeding of solids at first, then after about 2 weeks, we added the second feeding.  I will admit, Melody didn't take to solids very well.  So we actually took a break for about 2 weeks, then picked back up at 6 months.  The goal is just to get Melody used to a spoon and eating.  We haven't changed her bottle size either.  I have updated everything we changed below.  

So here's the new schedule!

Workday Schedule

**Melody wakes up anytime between 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.  It truly varies day to day.  We have tried to determine the trend, but we have been unsuccessful.  I am going to assume for the schedule below, she wakes up at 7:30 a.m.  Luckily for me, it doesn't effect her feeding because she has no desire to eat until 9:00 a.m. anyhow!

7:30 a.m. - Melody wakes up.  Melody is a talker in the mornings.  So while she is talking and smiling, I make the bed then remove her sleep sack.  I then go and change her diaper.  I keep her in her pajamas at this time.  At this point, I let Melody play on her kick and play piano or jumper, then I take a shower/bath.  After I finish getting ready, I will usually eat a quick breakfast.

9:00 a.m. - I feed Melody her first bottle.  Luckily Melody isn't hungry when she first wakes up.  Maybe she gets this from me.  Who knows really?  Either way, I feed her around 9.  Some days I feed her as early as 8:30, but that is rare.  Even when I feed her earlier, I do not let that effect the schedule for the rest of the day.  After her bottle, I change her diaper and her outfit.  Then she usually will play on her piano or jumper.  Around 10, I will put her in her swing and turn on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  She will usually fall asleep in her swing for around 45 minutes.  This allows me to do a few small chores around the house.  When she wakes up, I will change her diaper then I feed her the first round of solids.  Usually this is oatmeal or rice cereal.  After her snack, I will let her do some tummy time or floor time.  She will usually take another nap in her swing around 12:15.  At this time I will eat lunch and finish any other chores that I can.

1:00 p.m. - I feed Melody her second bottle.  After her bottle, I change her diaper then she plays.  If she is in the mood for tummy time, I will sit down with her while she does this.  If she is playing on her piano or jumper, I will usually do something around the house or prep dinner.  She usually goes down for her afternoon nap around 2.  I usually relax at this point and sometimes nap myself!

5:00 p.m. - I feed Melody her third bottle.  Depending on what we have planned, I will either just change her diaper, or I will change her diaper and put her in pajamas.  Meaning, if we go out to eat or if she is getting a bath, I will leave on her daytime clothes.  After her bottle, I will cook dinner, and we will eat.  She usually sits in her high chair while we eat, and she will play with her toys.  We will feed her the second set of solids around our dinner time.  Sometimes before and sometimes after.  It really just varies.  We usually do a fruit or vegetable at this point.  She will typically nap from 7 until her last bottle.  I will usually make bottles while she naps, and we will watch some tv.

9:00 p.m. - Brad will feed Melody her last bottle.  While he feeds her, I will usually prep things for the next day.  I like to lay out her clothes and prep my diaper bag.  Brad will change her diaper, attach her snuza, then we will sleep sack her.  Most nights we will read her a book, then we put her to bed.  She is still in a pack and play in our bedroom, so we will let her fall asleep before going to bed ourselves.

Weekend Schedule

7:30 a.m. - Melody wakes up.  Because Brad never gets to sleep in, I will usually get up with Melody and let her play while he keeps sleeping.  If we have something going on, we will get up and take a shower/bath while she plays.  It truly depends on what we have going on that day.

9:00 a.m. - We feed Melody her first bottle.  After her bottle, we change her diaper and her outfit.  Then she usually will play on her piano or jumper.  She still will usually nap around 10 and 12:15.  Depending on what we do that day will determine where she naps and if she truly naps as usual.  We will also feed her oatmeal or rice cereal around 11.  

1:00 p.m. - We feed Melody her second bottle then change her diaper.  She will usually nap around 2 or 2:30.

5:00 p.m. - We feed Melody her third bottle then change her diaper.  On weekends we tend to go out for dinner, so we will do that.  When we get home, we change her into her pajamas and make bottles.  She still will usually nap around 7 until 9.  We also feed her around 6 or so her veggies or fruit.

9:00 p.m. - We feed Melody her last bottle.  We will change her diaper, attach her snuza, then we will sleep sack her.  Most nights we will read her a book, then we put her to bed.  She is still in a pack and play in our bedroom, so we will let her fall asleep before going to bed ourselves. 

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