All tagged Groceries


Back in January, we decided to try getting our groceries delivered by Walmart. In doing so, we signed up for the free trial of Walmart+. The trial lasted 2 weeks, and you could take advantage of all the perks during that time. To date, we have only taken advantage of 2 of the 4 offered perks. After the 2 weeks, we decided to continue by signing up for the yearly subscription. It cost $98. For the entire year you received free grocery delivery, free next day delivery on most items from, discount on gas at Walmart and Sam’s Club, and the ability to use the scan and go feature in the app at Walmart stores. Check out my review of the service below!

Meal Planning

A few years ago I did a post about how I make our monthly menu and grocery lists.  A lot about how I do that has not changed, but I did want to update you on how I actually decide on our meals these days.  Being a stay at home mom means cooking in a lot more.  Having a baby means not traveling and going out as much in general.  So I have had to make a few adjustments to my process.  The steps are still the same for the most part.  I will refer to each of the steps and note any changes I have made to accommodate our new needs.

Costco Survival

We go to Costco about once every eight weeks or so.  Surviving any trip to a store these days requires some sort of bribe for Melody to keep her quiet throughout our visit.  Typically I bribe her with puffs or some other snack along with water.  On occasion, I will bring her a toy of some sort to keep her entertained.  However, Costco can be a much longer trip than our average grocery run.  We spend at least two hours a visit most of the time.  We walk up and down every aisle to see what's new and what we think we need [we always walk out with at least one thing we didn't plan to buy].