All tagged Italian

Via Napoli

On our February trip to Disney World, we decided to try Via Napoli. Brad really wanted some Italian, but I have never loved Tutto Italia. Plus we were planning to have Tony’s Town Square later in the week. So we wanted Italian but not just traditional pasta. We had heard great things about Via Napoli with the exception of using it with the dining plan. That was our only hesitation. But after analyzing all of our meals, we opted to just pay out of pocket for this meal and keep the reservation.

Chicken Parmesan

The first time I really had Chicken Parmesan was at Disney World at Tony's Town Square.  It was really good but really heavy for park food.  Well I have yet to try and make it at home.  One day I was watching the Food Network at lunch, and The Pioneer Woman made a semi-quick version that I decided to try.  Of course, she is able to make it in 16 minutes.  I am certain it took me longer.  But I don't remember it taking a super long time.  I just generally hate frying things because it makes a mess and seems to take longer than planned.  Plus I had to get chicken because I didn't buy the recommended chicken tenders.  It was really good, however, and I would make it again for sure.  It doesn't freeze well though.  That is the only downfall.


Brad absolutely loves manicotti.  If we go to a restaurant that serves it, he will usually order it.  I had never tried it until I had it with him.  His mom also makes it on occasion.  Well I wanted to find a semi-easy recipe to make for him.  I found one online and decided to give it a try.  I did use more spaghetti sauce than the original recipe called for, but I like it with more sauce personally.