All tagged Kid

Kiddie Carnival 2023

With summer approaching, I thought I would share about our experience at the Kiddie Carnival last summer. I have a more detailed post about all that the carnival has to offer from 2022. So this post is more about the pictures.

Swim Lessons 2023

I didn’t take near as many pictures this year during swim lessons. A main reason was due to swim lessons being MUCH shorter this year. Melody did a refresher course which only lasts 2 weeks. Last year we went for 5 weeks. Melody also did dramatically better this year. We didn’t have any tears or real complaints. She even jumped off the diving board since finishing lessons!

Gymnastics Spring 2023

Melody has made great strides in gymnastics this year. At the end of the season, they had what they call “Gymfest”. It is like a showcase for the gymnasts. It was really neat to finally get to see this. They stopped it due to COVID, and this was the first year back. Those pictures are the ones where she is wearing the blue t-shirt. We did decide to take a break for gymnastics this summer. And I actually signed Melody up for another gymnastics class closer to our house. I can’t wait to share how that goes!

Dance Recital 2023

Melody’s 5th year of dance was this year, and she recently had her recital too. This was her last year taking a combo class, so she was one of the oldest groups dancing in her recital. And I honestly think they did the best. She has really come out of her shell over the last 5 years too!

Melody's Last Day of 1st Grade

It is hard to believe 1st grade is already over! The year really flew by, but it was a great one. With COVID not being as prevalent, things really got back to normal as far as school goes. I was able to be at her school in her classroom at least once a week. And I volunteered outside of that as well. Melody has grown tremendously, and she has really blossomed. And to make things much less stressful, her 1st grade teacher is “looping” and will also be her 2nd grade teacher. I loved her teacher, and so this makes 2nd grade look so much better!

Dance Spring 2023

Dance for the spring has officially come to an end. It is hard to believe that Melody’s last year in a combo class is over! Next year she has to pick specific dance classes to take. So that will make things quite interesting! I didn’t take near as many pictures as a I did videos this semester. So enjoy the few pictures I did take below!

Soccer Spring 2023

We decided to give soccer another try this spring. We found a program that had practice and games on the same day. It was very similar to last year, but I did feel that received more instruction through this program. Even so, this may be the last time. She did enjoy being goalie, but beyond that, she is more of a cheerleader/dancer/gymnast, ha.