All tagged Opryland

Party Fowl

So normally when we go to Nashville, we always stop at the American Girls store and The Cheesecake Factory. Well our trip back in January, we did go to AG, but we skipped TCF. We just got one here in Huntsville, so we decided to try something different. It was also a Friday night, so we figured it might be busy too. Near AG was a restaurant called Party Fowl. It didn’t look busy, so we decided to give it a try.

Solario Cantina

Almost every visit we have made to Opryland, Solario Cantina has been closed. Usually we go in the middle of the week, but with school, we now have to go on the weekends or during breaks. During our visit to Opryland in January, we finally had the chance to try it!

Live Animals at Opryland

We went to Opryland about a month ago. During our trip, they had a live animal showing at noon each day of the weekend. It happened in the Delta at the fountain. Melody was really excited to see it on Sunday (we missed it on Saturday because it happened while we were eating lunch). On Sunday they brought in turtles. They had two, and Melody thought it was really neat. They let them walk around us as they kept an eye on both the turtles and all the tiny hands to keep them from touching them. It was a really neat, free activity to do while we were there. Be sure and look at the activities schedule during your visit to check out any free activities like this one!

Opryland January 2022

For many years, my mom and I took trips to either Disney, a cruise, or both for MLK weekend for my birthday. We have not done this as frequently since having Melody. But Brad was out of town, and we decided to head to Opryland for MLK weekend. While we go often, mom has never went with us, so it was a fun treat.

Opryland 2021

So it has been a week since I lasted posted. We had Spring Break last week, and I have been getting back in to routines this week. So now I finally have time to tell you all about our Spring Break trip to Opryland. It was semi last minute. So Brad was supposed to be out of town that week. So Emily and I planned to go somewhere for a few days during Spring Break with the kids. Well Brad’s trip was cancelled so he and Emily’s husband, Justin, tagged along. We opted to go to Opryland to be an easier drive, and there was plenty of availability the couple of days before when I booked it.

Opryland 2020

One of our hopes this year was to go to Opryland. Of course COVID kind of threw a kink into that. But we did find a time that we thought would work with both our schedule and even safety. I really wanted to participate in the Christmas stuff, but I knew that would be busy and it was possible we would get there and not feel safe. Instead we went the week right before Christmas started (November 10-13). This allowed us to see all of the Christmas decor without all the crowds.

Opryland 2018

For this year’s trip to Opryland, we wanted to go back at Christmastime. Last year we visited in the summer, and while it was far less crowded, it wasn’t as festive. They did have events going on, but nothing can compare to Opryland at Christmas. We loved our visit in 2016 at Christmas, so we decided to do it again!

Opryland Resort - August 2017

Our summer vacation this year was a trip back to the Opryland Resort.  Brad and I have been a handful of times, and we even went last year at Christmas with Melody.  Our experience this visit was much different than our trip at Christmas for a number of reasons.  Melody is older and mobile; she eats more than baby food now; she doesn't have a cold; it was much warmer; the resort was far less crowded; and there was construction going on at the resort.  We opted to go mid-August to avoid any of the out-of-school crowds that may also use this as a vacation resort.  And to also help with the crowds, we decided to go in the middle of the week (Wednesday-Friday).