All tagged Salad

Homemade Thousand Island Dressing

I love thousand island dressing. It is probably my favorite salad dressing. I love it even more when it is homemade. Brad doesn’t like it though, so I rarely make it since it won’t last long enough for just me. I tend to just buy it in bottle form. But sometimes when we have company that will eat it, I will make it.

Steak Peppercorn Salad

As you can likely tell from the pictures, we made this recipe a LONG time ago, but we were making it frequently. And I simply forgot to post about it! We haven’t made this in a while simply because it is a bit time consuming, but as I write this, I am starting to think maybe we should give it a go soon during this quarantine!

Ranch Dressing

Not too long ago, I wanted to make some dipping sauces for my leftover Red Robin. You may have seen the campfire sauce I made that same day. I then decided to make some ranch dressing to go along with it. I used the recipe I found online as a basis, but I did make it my own because I didn’t have all the ingredients. I also would make a few changes in the future. Check them out below.

Chicken Taco Salad

Mexican is such an easy type of food for us to quickly throw together for dinner.  We tend to eat Mexican at least once, if not twice, a week.  Ironically, Brad isn't a huge fan of Mexican food.  He definitely tolerates it more when I cook it at home vs. going out, but it is still not his favorite.  I wanted to try and and figure out a different take on Mexican, so I came up with chicken taco salad.  Nothing too fancy, but it was different enough.  It was really good, and I prefer it over beef taco salad.

Squash Salad

I found this recipe in one of my Family Circle magazines.  The only reason I noticed it was because I wanted to try the chicken recipe attached to it.  Then I noticed the chicken recipe also included a squash salad recipe.  Check it out below.

Taco Salad

Is it weird to see a recipe on a day other than Friday?!?  Well this really isn't a recipe so to speak.  The pictures speaks for what the recipe is.  But I did want to share it because it was really yummy nonetheless.  I found this "recipe" on Pinterest.  You can customize it anyway you want.  The base is lettuce, then the toppings are up to you!  I added avacado, sour cream, salsa, taco meat, cheddar cheese, and green onions.  I lined it all up nice and pretty, then I mixed it altogether to eat!  Yummy!

Broccoli Salad

I found this recipe on Pinterest.  I love the broccoli salad from Ruby Tuesday's, but we never eat there anymore.  I haven't been to a decent Ruby Tuesday's in years.  They are either super slow, super rude, or the food is awful (or a combination).  We usually only go if we have a gift card or a really great coupon and want something different.  Anyhow, I saw this recipe and had to try it.  It isn't quite like what I envisioned, but it was still good.  My only complaint was that it was a little too runny.  I also didn't include the cranberries like the website recommends because Brad doesn't care for them.  I only made 1/3 of the original recipe as well.  We didn't need quite that much because I wasn't sure if I would like it enough to save.