All tagged Taco Casserole

Taco Seasoning

So we eat tacos fairly frequently. So much so I bought a huge thing of taco seasoning from Sam’s a while back. We do taco ring, tacos, chicken tacos, etc. Well I recently ran out, and we haven’t renewed our membership. I also forgot to get any at Walmart on the week we had planned to make tacos. So I did some googling and found a recipe I liked, and we had all the ingredients in our spice cabinet. Brad actually prefers this version, so I may make a bigger batch since it stores well. We used all of this in one week, ha.

Taco Casserole

A friend of mine on instagram introduced me to Joy Filled Eats. I went through their website and found SO many recipes I want to try. But one that we almost immediately tried was the taco casserole. And it was AH-MAZING! It is super easy to make, and even easier to make ahead of time and freeze. It is a definite meal we are adding to the rotation and a must for entertaining! We double this recipe for a group.