Disney Quick Service Review

Disney Quick Service Review

As you may have read in my previous post, Brad and I just returned from Walt Disney World.  We went back to celebrate our two year anniversary. We did not eat at a lot of quick service restaurants, but I did want to briefly review the food when we did.  I have pictures in most cases, but either way, I have my opinions below!

Artist's Palette - Saratoga Springs

This quick service hotel restaurant was just ok for me.  It was by far not my favorite hotel restaurant for a few reasons.  One is that I did not like that the food court and gift shop were all one place.  It just felt very awkward to me.  Two is that there was not anywhere to rinse out your Rapid Refill Mugs.  Every Disney hotel that I have stayed out always had stations with a sink where you could rinse out your mug.  When we eat breakfast, we carry our mugs in Ziploc baggies to the park.  Then after our day, we refill them at the resort before heading back to the room.  We had to clean our mugs using the hot water dispenser from the coffee machine and the water from the fountain dispenser.  Three is that the food court itself was lacking.  There is only one station you order at. And the selection is very limited.

How ordering works: There are ropes used to distinguish a line to be formed.  At the start of the line are paper menus.  You wait in line until you come to the counter with a cast member and register.  You place your order with her.  Once you place your order, they give you a receipt to take to the cashier and a number.  At this point, you can go purchase anything else you want (bakery items, beverages, snacks, t-shirts, pens, etc.).  Once ready to check out, proceed to one of the many cash registers.  They take your receipt from the food counter and hole punch it and will also check out your other purchases.  Lastly, you take your number (be sure and leave your hole-punched receipt attached to the number) and proceed to an empty table.  Once your food is ready, they bring it to you and take their copy of the receipt to document you received your food.

We purchased Rapid Refill Mugs for use at the hotels for our entire stay.  The cost was $35.13 with tax.  

Lunch - Saturday, May 9, 2015

Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich with Chips - This sandwich was just ok.  It was not part of the normal menu, but a lunch special.  I personally did not have a bite, but Brad's opinion was it wasn't good, just decent.  The cheese tasted like nacho cheese you get at a ball park.  The chips were really good.

Lobster Sandwich Salad with Chips - This sandwich was great!  There were huge chunks of lobster in it, and the sandwich itself was super large.  If Brad liked it mayonnaise, we would have split this it was so big.  It was pretty juicy, so it did get messy at times.  I was really sad I didn't have another opportunity to have this again.  The chips, again, were really good.  They taste homemade.  They are super crunchy, so if you want a soft chip, these aren't for you.

Total $25.54

Breakfast - Monday, May 11, 2015 and Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Bounty Platter - We split the bounty platter on trips because it has so much food and we each like most of it.  It comes with a mini-Mickey waffle, bacon, sausage links, eggs, a biscuit, and potatoes.  You can find extra plates near the microwave/pastry area.  So I took the Mickey waffle, bacon, a few potatoes, and a few eggs.  Brad had the rest.  It is a lot of food for breakfast, so if you can split it with someone, I recommend it.  

Total $10.32

Breakfast - Thursday, May 14, 2015

French Toast - So this is not what Brad expected at all.  The French toast tasted more like bread pudding than anything.  However, it was delicious.  Just not what is expected.  I guess we should have read the fine print!

Biscuit and Gravy - Whatever you do, don't order this!  Or order it if you like nasty sweet white gravy.  If you are a true Southerner, don't get it.  It was so, so bad.  The gravy looked good in the pictures, but it just tastes awful!  Way too much sugar was added to this when they cooked it.

Chocolate Croissant - Oh the chocolate croissant, where have you been all my life?  Or better yet, why am I just now finding out about you??  One word - delicious!!!  Not quite as good as Be Our Guest, but amazing nonetheless.  If you ever have the chance and like chocolate, order one!

Total $14.36

Casey's Corner - Magic Kingdom

We tried Casey's Corner because we wanted to try their fries.  This was really our only opportunity to do so.  The biggest negative here is that 90% of their seating is outdoors.  I hate outdoor seating when it is almost 100 degrees outside!  Luckily I had Brad stand in line and order while I stood in the small dining area scouting a table.  A woman actually got very mad at me for taking a table she wanted, but I had been there much longer waiting, and she just walked up with her food expecting to get the table.  I even asked the guy leaving the table if they were leaving and if I could have his table.  And unlike many other patrons, I sat there maybe 1 minute before Brad showed up with our food.  Some people were holding tables and did not even have anyone up there ordering.

Lunch - Sunday, May 10, 2015

Hotdog with Fries - Typical hotdog.  Nothing out of this world, but good.  The big bonus for hotdog lovers is that there is a huge toppings bar to pile on all kinds of toppings to make your hotdog great.  The fries were good.  Brad loves the skinnier type fries.  Not what we were looking for, but still good.

Corndog Nuggets with Fries - I loved the corndog nuggets.  I really love corndogs, but rarely can find them, so I jumped on the opportunity here.  I also used the toppings bar to get some cheese to dip my fries in.  Yummy!


Total $23.82

Pizzafari - Animal Kingdom

Brad and I have not taken a trip to Animal Kingdom without having lunch at Pizzafari.  The food servings here are easy to split, and I have never had a bad meal here.  Actually, when we have used the Disney Dining Plan, we definitely split a meal since it comes with dessert too!

Lunch - Monday, May 11, 2015

Pepperoni Pizza Combo (comes with side salad) - The fact that you get a side salad with this combo makes it very easy to split.  We are always so hot, that a lot of food doesn't sound good.  So we each get two pieces of pizza and between both of us, we can't even finish the salad.  The pizza is good.  It doesn't taste like cheap nasty pizza that you sometimes find at fast food pizza places.  The salad is just that, a simple salad.  Nothing major, but provides some substance when you are splitting the meal.

Breadsticks - The breadsticks are great and super filling.  They are covered in various spices, so it is really flavorful.  You get 3 or 4 and a large cup of marinara sauce.  We definitely could not finish them all.  It is a nice addition if you are splitting a meal because it is much cheaper to add on an order of breadsticks instead of a meal.  

Tiramisu - It is really small, but Brad said it is really good.  I am not a tiramisu love myself.  I mean I love coffee so you think I would, but just never have been a fan.

Total $27.96

Food Booth in Japan for Flower and Garden Festival

Dessert/Snack - Monday, May 11, 2015

Frushi - The frushi was AMAZING!  I am bummed I only had this one time the entire trip.  It is something I am definitely going to try and make at home sometime.  I found a recipe for it here.  If you don't like fruit, don't bother.  And if you don't like sushi, it doesn't matter!  It is a fun take on sushi and super yummy!

Yuzu Slushi - My drink was just ok.  You really couldn't taste much alcohol in it.  But it was a nice refreshing treat.

Total $11.45

Kabuki Cafe - EPCOT

Dessert/Snack - Monday, May 11, 2015

Kaki Gori Cherry - Guest Writer Brad!!!!

So I really enjoyed the Kaki Gori Cherry snack.  After we finished our amazing dinner in Canada we decided to have a few snacks before calling it a night.  She had her fruit stuff and I had the shaved ice snack.  So I really love shaved ice.  We stop at Snow Biz (our local shaved ice hut) all the time during the summer and it's a nice snack.  This Kaki Gori Cherry snack was a little different.  I don't know if it was the way the ice was shaved or what, but it seemed more "full" than the normal Snow Biz ice I have.  It wasn't heavy though, and I really liked it.  It made a great snack to eat as we watched Illuminations!

Total $4.00

Wolfgang Puck Express - Downtown Disney

Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of our meal.  We met Brad's grandparents for dinner here, and honestly, you forget you are even at Disney sometimes while here.  This restaurant is really good and a great use of a credit on the Disney Dining Plan.  Brad and I usually split something here because again, the portions are huge.  

Dinner - Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Pepperoni Pizza - The pepperoni pizza is probably my favorite pizza here.  It's probably because it comes with onions on it, and I love onions!  But if you don't like onions, they will gladly remove them.  They actually always ask when I order it because I think some people don't realize it.  The portions are huge and we did not even finish it.  They will bring you plates for splitting usually without you having to ask.  It is a thin crust pizza which may not be a favorite to many.

Caesar Salad - This is a much better Caesar salad than what it offered at Pizzafari.  Then again, it is much more expensive.  Everything tastes so fresh and the tomato crostini was amazing!

Total $33.50

**Here is an updated post with more food options!

Other Notable Mentions

Big Top Souvenirs - Magic Kingdom

Cinderella Coach Krispie ($5.84) - This was really yummy and you could tell that it was so fresh.  I would highly recommend it.

Mickey Mouse Pastel Sugar Cookie ($4.25) - Brad really enjoyed it.  It was really soft and tasty.

Cosmic Rays - Magic Kingdom

Cherry Slush Foam ($4.79) - Brad didn't really care for this.  He did finish it, but there was just something awkward about it.

Columbia Harbour House - Magic Kingdom

Lemonade Slush ($4.25) - This was great.  It was really nice and refreshing on a hot day at the Magic Kingdom.  It is slightly tart, so I recommend drinking it with water.

Sunshine Season - EPCOT

French Vanilla Iced Coffee ($10.63 for 2) - So all week, Brad and I wanted to try these iced coffees.  They are sold multiple places.  We are currently on an iced coffee kick.  So when we finally got the opportunity, boy were we disappointed.  I mean, we finished them, but we would not order them again.


Homemade Potato Chips

Homemade Potato Chips

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Chefs de France Review