All tagged Baby Feeding

Melody's Five Month Schedule

So Melody's schedule only changed slights from her four month schedule.  When she was around 4 1/2 months old, we introduced her to solids.  So now we have two feedings of solids a day.  Our pediatrician recommended one feeding of solids at first, then after about 2 weeks, we added the second feeding.  I will admit, Melody didn't take to solids very well.  So we actually took a break for about 2 weeks, then picked back up at 6 months.  The goal is just to get Melody used to a spoon and eating.  We haven't changed her bottle size either.  I have updated everything we changed below.  

Formula Bottle Prep

When we transitioned Melody from breast milk to formula, I had to find a way to better prep bottles so that I was not making one bottle at a time.  I tried a couple of methods, but in the end, I found a solution that works great for us right now.  Currently Melody is taking 5 ounce bottles 6 times a day.  As her bottles get bigger, my method may not be the most efficient, but it works great now.  

Travel Baby Formula

Brad and I travel a lot.  We decided while I was pregnant that we would not let a baby slow us down.  We are really trying to stick to that goal after having Melody.  Of course some trips are not realistic and traveling is definitely not as easy as before, but we are doing pretty good.  We have a baby that loves the car, so that definitely makes traveling easier.  One thing we faced on our first big travel (it was 3 1/2 hour trip to Brad's parents' house) was making Melody's bottles.  We now usually make all of her bottles for the day in advance, but that has not and will not always be the case.  I decided to make use of some of our breast pump supplies and create my own travel baby formula containers.  Check it out below!