Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

Sunday was Brad's second Father's Day as a daddy.  He is such an amazing dad to Melody.  It is true what they say.  You do see a completely different side of your husband when he becomes a dad.  And you fall in love with him all over again, but for completely different reasons.  I knew he would be an amazing dad.  He is truly a kid at heart.  But seeing him with Melody has been more than I ever expected.  Melody and I love you Brad!

We started our morning with Brad's parents.  We were in town for a bridal shower, so we spent the morning with his dad since it is so rare since they live farther away.  We visited, then went to brunch at Seasons 52.  Melody was a hoot!

After brunch, we headed back home, but not before changing her into her "daddy" shirt I made her.  I didn't get a good picture today with her in it, but below is the shirt itself. 

After getting home and the car unpacked, Brad opened gifts.  We got him a Shutterfly book full of memories of the last year.  I also found a book called The Pixar Touch.  Then we made him a superhero from her foot.  

Melody then napped with Brad.  It is such a rarity these days.  She will nap with me a lot of days, but it seems like the timing is never right for her to nap with Brad.

After her nap, we had dinner.  Brad wanted to grill, so he grilled pork tenderloin.  We also made baked potatoes and fried okra.  He seemed to enjoy his dinner.  After dinner we just spent some time relaxing and hanging out as a little family!  We are so blessed to have Brad!

Quick and Easy Cheese Dip

Quick and Easy Cheese Dip

Donut Grow Up

Donut Grow Up