Melody is ONE!

Melody is ONE!

Melody turned one May 25!  She celebrated with a party earlier that week, but on her actual birthday we were able to celebrate with her just the three of us.  Here is how her day went!

She woke up around 8:30, and we showered her with balloons!

She had her bottle at 9 followed by birthday pancakes made by daddy!

She opened gifts from us and family and friends who did not attend her party.

She napped, then we went to Red Robin for lunch!

We got back and attempted to nap (epic fail).

So we went outside and played in the yard.

We cooked her favorite meal...cheese ravioli.  Then we had birthday cake that I made earlier that day while she napped.

I think Melody had a great first birthday!  And just for perspective, below is her on the day of her birth and her first birthday.  Boy time has flown by!

Birthday Guestbook

Birthday Guestbook

Quick and Easy Cheese Dip

Quick and Easy Cheese Dip