Birthday Guestbook

Birthday Guestbook

For Melody's First Birthday, I wanted a simple guestbook.  I contemplated whether a guestbook was even necessary, but I really wanted something to document everyone there.  I came up with many ideas, but they all were becoming either way to complicated OR I had no clue what I would do with the guestbook when the party was over.  So I opted for simplicity.

I simply took a piece of white cardstock and printed on it.  It simply said "MELODY" followed by "My First Birthday Party".  My plan is to stick the completed signed piece of paper in her baby book.

Beside the piece of paper, I framed another piece of paper with a "saying" on it to help draw attention to it.  We also had the birthday chalkboard beside it hoping people would notice it then see the guestbook too!  See below!

This is a super easy guestbook idea for any event really, and it doesn't require anyone to have to display something somewhere.  They can simply store it away with other mementos from the event, and they can look back later and see who attended!

Ice Cream Banner

Ice Cream Banner

Melody is ONE!

Melody is ONE!