Fireplace Streamers

Fireplace Streamers

Melody's first birthday party was an ice cream themed party.  The colors were general pastel with the focus on pink, blue, and yellow.  I planned for her to have her smash cake in front of our fireplace so that everyone could see it.  I also wanted to open gifts in this same location.  I knew for gifts we would be sitting down, so I wanted to find some sort of decor that would cover up the actual fireplace.  I already had banners and balloons for the mantel.  I did some searching online and found where someone used streamers to cover their fireplace, so I decided to attempt that!

I bought yellow, pink, and blue streamers from Target.  I did a few test runs the week of her party to see what was going to be the best way to hang the streamers.  Normal gift wrap tape was not successful.  It only lasted a few hours and I knew this needed to be done the day before.  Here was my test:

I ended up buying white duct tape from Walmart.  I opted for duct tape because I knew it would hold, and I wasn't worried about it ruining what I intended to attach it to.  If you were attaching it to a wall or delicate surface, I might would reconsider duct tape.  I picked white since the surface was white.  They have a large variety of colors to pick from.

The project took about three hours...maybe even four.  My best friend Emily actually did it while I worked on other decorations around the house.  We did it the day before simply not knowing how long it would take.  Granted we had two babies/toddlers running around us, but I truly did not expect it to take more than an hour.  She attached the two streamers together to the bottom of the fireplace (tile).  She them twisted them (still together) and taped them to the top of the fireplace.  A few times she had to add an additional piece of tape to the top to keep the two streamers attached to one another.  Below is the outcome:

Below are some shots of Melody while eating her smash cake.  You can see the streamers behind her perfectly.  I ended up not doing highchair decor because the decorations behind her turned out so good.

The streamers lasted over a week.  We put them up on Friday, and we kept them up through her birthday (the following Thursday).  I actually did not remove them until the Tuesday after her birthday, so they lasted almost 12 days with only one falling the entire time!

Happy Birthday Banner

Happy Birthday Banner

Melody's FIRST Birthday Party

Melody's FIRST Birthday Party