Ice Cream Sundae Buffet

Ice Cream Sundae Buffet

Melody's first birthday party was an ice cream themed party.  Because of this theme, I knew I would need to incorporate ice cream into the party.  Traditionally, people include ice cream to simply go along with the cake, but I wanted something more.  So I decided to come up with a way to have an ice cream buffet!  

So one of the first things I bought for this ice cream buffet was a blue tray and jars for the toppings.  Both were purchased from Target in the dollar section.  The tray was to hold the bowls and spoons.  I bought yellow bowls (actually treat cups) found at Party City.  I picked yellow because of the "main" colors, this was the only color not incorporated.  I bought the spoons from Amazon.  They came in a multi color pack and I thought they would be perfect.  The spoons were in a ceramic ice cream cone that I also found at Target in the dollar section.  The last of the paper products were the napkins.  They are white beverage napkins covered in sprinkles.  I found these at Homegoods.

Now I am going to skip to the toppings.  I bought both clear and pink jars from Target.  They came in packs of 3, so I knew I would need around 6 toppings.  Sprinkles and nuts were a must.  Brad loves marshmallows, so I included those.  I wanted some form of chocolate, and I ended up going with Oreos.  I also love white chocolate chips on my ice cream, so I picked those out as well.  Lastly was some sort of fruit topping.  Cherries seem typical, but I personally prefer strawberries to top my ice cream, and a few other people I spoke with did too.  So I went this route.  I used spoons from the pack I bought at Amazon to serve the toppings.  We also had whipped cream and syrup for toppings.  I used a cake stand from our wedding to display them.  I simply put two whipped cream containers out for people to use.  At one time I considered decorating the whipped cream container, but that never happened!  I bought clear syrup bottles from Walmart, and I poured chocolate and caramel syrup in each of the bottles.

Next up is the ice cream.  I did not want to have to scoop ice cream or expect people to scoop hard ice cream during the party.  So I bought disposable aluminum trays and parchment paper, and I pre-scooped the ice cream the night before.  One large bucket of ice cream filled up two trays.  I had white wooden trays from our wedding that I placed each aluminum tray in moments before "opening" the ice cream buffet.  I also placed an ice cream scoop and tongs for people to use to get each scoop of ice cream.

Last is the general decor.  You cannot really see it, but I had both a white and pink table cover.  The white table cover is at the very bottom, then I placed the pink table cover on top.  I pulled each side up using a safety pin to add a little flare.  Then above the table, I included three lanterns covered in sprinkles to add some extra decor.  

Overall I think the ice cream buffet was a huge hit!  Everyone loved being able to make their own ice cream sundae, and the pre-scooped ice cream was a success!  I highly suggest it!

Foot Print Fish

Foot Print Fish

Ice Cream Banner

Ice Cream Banner