All tagged Ice Cream

Ice Cream Invitations

My best friend decided to have an ice cream themed birthday party for her daughter. Birthdays during a pandemic are hard. Deciding when, who to invite, what to do is all near impossible. She decided fairly last minute on the party to help accommodate the girls dance recital and family. So she ended up sending invitations through text, but she still wanted them cute. So I helped her out and made a few for her. I wanted to share some samples below!

Blue Mountain Ice Cream

While at the beach this summer, we stayed directly across the street from an ice cream shop. It was constantly packed and had a huge line. So one night we HAD to try it. We managed to go when it wasn’t too busy., and be sure and bring cash! There is an ATM machine if needed though. The flavors change daily. I ordered strawberry cheesecake and it was delicious. I recommend going, but bring cash and come early!

Homemade Ice Cream

We love good homemade ice cream, and when we were given an electric automatic ice cream maker as a wedding present we were thrilled. This is so much easier than rock salt and all that other fuss. You simply freeze the insert overnight, then it’s ready to go. This recipe is also super easy and inexpensive. Even Melody loved it, and she is picky about homemade desserts!

Buddy's Ice Cream

While at the beach back in July, we visited two ice cream places on 30A. One we walked to, and the other we rode the golf cart. We ended up at Buddy’s Ice Cream because the line was SO long at the one across from our hotel, and Melody really wanted to ride the golf cart. We just had dinner at Goat Feathers, and it was right across the street from there. So we headed that way and gave it at try!

The Ice Cream Show

During my research of restaurants in Chattanooga, I found two places we could potentially go for dessert near our hotel.  One of those places was The Ice Cream Show.  We decided to go visit it on Friday night after having dinner at The Blue Plate.  It appeared to be an easy walk from both our hotel and the restaurant.  

Beaches and Cream Review

My mom and I visited Beaches and Cream for the very first time on our trip in January.  Brad and I visited the to-go counter back in December and bought a milkshake and an ice cream cone.  Because of this visit in December, I came home and found dinner reservations for mom and me.  The food smelled and looked delicious from our brief walk inside.  So I really wanted to give this restaurant a try. I planned it on the day we were already visiting Epcot so that we could just walk over.  It worked out perfectly because we were able to take a bus from the Beach Club to Disney Springs for some shopping.  Check out our pictures and review below:

Donut Ice Cream Sandwiches

I wanted a yummy dessert one evening, and I saw in a Parent's Magazine where parents would combine different things to make "sandwiches".  I decided to make our own ice cream sandwiches.  It was super easy to do, but it does take a bit of time to set in the freezer.

First Birthday Party Food

For Melody's First Birthday Party, I really struggled with what food to have at her party.  We knew we would have cake and an ice cream sundae buffet, but I wasn't really sure what to do about other food or if I should even have other food.  We planned to have about 30 people or so, and we opted for a party at 2 pm.  So we knew we would not need heavy food, but I wanted some sort of appetizers for everyone to snack on.  I contemplated continuing with the ice cream theme, but I wasn't exactly sure how to do that.  So we opted for some various finger foods.  I also was sure to include a few things I knew Melody and some of the other kids could have.

Ice Cream Cone Favors

Melody's first birthday party was an ice cream themed party.  I wanted to do some cute favors to go along with the theme.  I found all kinds of things I considered doing.  I went back and forth on which type of favors to do.  Do I do fun favors?  Do I do edible favors?  Do I do favors I can make weeks in advance?  Do I do favors I have to make the day before?  So many decisions.  In the end I decided I wanted what was going to be the cutest!

Ice Cream Sundae Buffet

Melody's first birthday party was an ice cream themed party.  Because of this theme, I knew I would need to incorporate ice cream into the party.  Traditionally, people include ice cream to simply go along with the cake, but I wanted something more.  So I decided to come up with a way to have an ice cream buffet!  

Melody's FIRST Birthday Party

I have said this many times, but it is truly so hard to believe our little baby is ONE!  I wanted a fun themed birthday party for Melody, but I didn't want to do a theme that she may want to do one day in the future.  So Brad and I came up with an ice cream themed party.  I personally loved the end result of the party, and it seemed to go over well with our family and friends.  Below are some general birthday party pictures.  This was a very DIY party, so I plan to post about all of the mini-projects that were involved.  I will link them as they are posted, so be on the lookout for those if you are interested!

Subzero Review

As I have mentioned in a previous post, some weeks Brad and I take turns picking a new restaurant to try and we do not tell each other the restaurant until we arrive.  Last Friday we tried a local Italian restaurant.  After dinner, I surprised Brad by taking him to another new place, Subzero.  We have passed by this ice cream/yogurt shop many times, but honestly, we assumed it was your stereotypical frozen yogurt shop.  I did some research on it.  It actually is more of an experience than just a fix some yogurt and add some toppings place.