Sunshine Party Vases

Sunshine Party Vases


For Melody's second birthday, the theme was "You are my Sunshine".  Even before we had to move to the party to Emily's house, I had planned for the party to be primarily inside with only a few things outside.  I wanted to find some sort of decor to add throughout the party that would play up the theme but also be fairly inexpensive.  I decided to make centerpieces/vases to fulfill this!

First off, all of the vases came from the Dollar Tree.  I think they were about 8 inches tall or so.  I actually used this same type of vase at our wedding for centerpieces, but I gave them all to my aunt to use for an event.  So I did have to go buy more, but I was only out $10.

I wanted the vases to also be filled with something fairly cheap but added color.  After Easter, I went to Walmart and found the pink Easter grass on clearance.  They were 75% off.  I bought about 5 bags, but only paid about $1.50 at most.  

I wanted to continue to reuse the sun I designed for her invite, so I decided to make them the "center" of the centerpieces.  I made them just as I did for the invites and cupcake toppers, but they were larger.  I think they were about 5 inches in diameter.  Then I bought wooden skewers from Walmart to attach them too.

The last element were the pinwheels.  The pinwheels were probably the first thing I bought.  I my mind they would be scattered everywhere, even outside.  Of course with the move, that didn't happen, and now I have tons of pinwheels.  However, the cheapest place I found them was Oriental Trading.  

To assemble, I filled each vase with the pink grass.  I tried to fill them without squishing them down.  I wanted to make sure I had enough for all the vases.  

Next I inserted the "2" sun.  Be careful not to squish the grass to far when you insert the stick.

I then assembled the pinwheels (attached the stick to the pinwheel itself), then I placed two in the vase (one on each side of the sun).  Again, be careful with the grass.

The last thing I did was go back and fill with any extra grass that might have been squished down.

I placed them all throughout the party.  First they were centerpieces on all of the tables along with a picture of Melody from the last year.

I also placed them anywhere else decor was needed.

Sunshine Coloring Sheet

Sunshine Coloring Sheet

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