Galaxy's Edge

Galaxy's Edge

Galaxy's Edge.jpg

So this isn’t like most of my Disney posts. Usually I post about my trip itself, then post about all the other big details. Well this couldn’t wait! Back in August, we made a spur of the moment decision to go to Disney for Brad’s birthday. We had no intention of going to Hollywood Studios, much-less Galaxy’s Edge. We were going to be in the parks August 29 and 30. I really didn’t want to even consider dealing with the crowds. Well late Thursday night, I read people were getting in the land without boarding passes. We decided to check after we did a few things in Epcot Friday morning. And sure enough, no boarding pass was required. So we headed over and literally walked right in without any issues. It really made Brad’s birthday getting to experience it on his actual birthday. I would definitely recommend devoting more than the 3 or so hours we spent there. I am sure we could spend a whole day just here! Well here are some pictures from our few hours and the few things we got to do!


So we only used the entrance at The Muppets. Everything I read said to use this entrance, and we exited here too due to our lunch location. All of the castmembers were super enthused and really added to the fun. It was really organized on how you entered and exited to keep the flow of traffic moving. The crowds were pretty minimal considering it was the day after opening (more to come on that). I also thought it was really neat you can’t really see much of the land itself on the outside. They did a good job creating an entrance that really made the land feel exclusive and stand alone. I can’t say much about the entrance at Toy Story Land when it comes to this though.

Also below are the maps we were given while at the parks. The first map you see is the standard park map you normally would get. We found found these at the entrance of the parks where all the park maps are located. The second park map is a much nicer map made for the opening. It is made of higher quality paper, and changes color with the light in some spots. It also provides more information about Galaxy’s Edge. These were handed to us as we walked in the park. The third map was exclusive to Galaxy’s Edge. It does not provide anything for the other areas of Hollywood Studios. It is made of an even heavier cardstock, and it provides a lot of information about the area. It is also pocket size to make it handier than the larger maps. These were handed to us as we entered Galaxy’s Edge. All very nice keepsakes.

The Land

So we took as many pictures as we could throughout the land itself. It was much larger than either of us expected. I honestly expected it to be about the size of Pandora. And Pandora to me feels super small and underwhelming (and I am certain I am in the minority here). The land has so many unique and small details throughout. I have to be honest, I didn’t really look at a map before going in, but we did have plenty. We just kind of walked around and really took it all in. I do not necessarily recommend this if you want to know where you are going though, because they do not put the names of any of the locations anywhere. It really plays into the theme though. We kind of knew what everything was generally though. But it wasn’t until I got home that I realized where the Droid shop was and that there was a restaurant we missed, ha! However, one of the most unique things here you won’t find on a map. The characters are free roaming. It was really interesting to see them in this environment and how they would all interact with one another throughout our time there.


While walking through the shops, we did notice a lot of unique merchandise to Galaxy’s Edge. We didn’t see a lot of generic Star Wars things you can get elsewhere. For now it seems somewhat one-of-a-kind to Batuu. Now how long that will last? Who knows. There is a few shops throughout. I really only ventured in the shops in the marketplace area. A lot of shops are not stroller friendly. I think that is the market feel they are going for, but it made it hard for all of us to shop. So we took turns going in places. Like I said above, we never went in the droid shop, but apparently you can go in even without a reservation. Brad went in the more expensive shop alone because there was a line and Melody wasn’t about that, ha. Brad walked away with a Black Spire shirt, Jawa sand crawler, and a reusable bag (that was pretty much pointless by the time we got back to the hotel). Overall the merchandise is great, I just wished they had more room for strollers!


We didn’t get too adventurous when it came to the food here this trip. We were in between breakfast and lunch, and I had not read enough reviews on the actual food for me to devote time with my kid eating there. However, we did partake in two things. One we bought one of the unique cokes while there. During this trip they announced that TSA wouldn’t allow them, and since we drove, we went ahead and got one. Of course they have sense reversed their decision. The coke tasted the same, but it definitely is a display piece later. And the other thing we tried was the blue and green milk. There was literally not a single person in line, so I jumped at the chance to try them. We did the non-alcoholic versions, it it costs us about $15 to try both. I hated to try one and not the other, so I splurged. Well the verdict, green is bad! Oh my we each took one sip and threw it away. I felt awful throwing away money like that but I could not have anymore. It tasted like a flower. It was not ideal at all. Now the blue was amazing. We actually contemplated going back and getting a second before leaving the park but the rain changed our minds. It was fruity and really good overall. It is really hard to explain other than that, ha! But I definitely recommend trying both once and deciding for yourself!


So the crowds were very interesting overall for this trip. We literally walked on a lot of rides during both days, and we were obviously pleasantly surprised to be able to walk right into Galaxy’s Edge. And once in, the crowds weren’t actually awful. Some areas were practically empty, and otherwise were push and shove. But I think that is just how the land is generally built too. Some areas are just more conducive to crowds than others. I think the wait time was only 90 minutes for Smuggler’s Run too which isn’t bad at all for opening week!

Photopass Pictures

So we only did two of the many Photopass pictures here. One Melody refused to be in any, and that made things difficult. Two, they aren’t as obvious (maybe a map would have been useful, ha!). They expected lines for all of the locations and had umbrellas up for shade for those waiting. The two we did I really loved how there is no one else in the pictures. They are perfectly located to isolate the crowds and keep them from the backgrounds. They are also great about working with you to wait people out and such.

Smuggler’s Run

So in a very last minute moment, Brad decide to ride Smuggler’s Run. This was definitely not on our list of things to do. The wait was only 90 minutes, but there is no way we were waiting that with a 3 year old. Well as we were eating lunch at Backlot Express, I came across an Instastory that explained how the wait for Single Rider was a mere 2 minutes compared to the 90 minute regular line. Honestly, I was clueless a single rider line existed. So Brad ran straight over and was on within 10 minutes!

So upon entering the line, it appears very boring. A long hallway and some stairs, but then you merge with the normal line. At this point you are given your fighter squadron color along with your job, then you get to wait in the interior of the Millennium Falcon. [Side note, you do NOT get to pick your job in the single rider line.] This is where a lot of the pictures below were taken. It was a really neat room, and you have plenty of time to explore. It is really as if you are walking through the Falcon. Lots of props from the movies too.

Once your color is called, you go into a hallway and watch a video where Hondo describes your mission. Then you get to go inside of the cockpit of the Falcon and they line you up by job. At this point, you get seated and the ride begins. Everyone has their jobs that they get to do throughout the ride. Brad was an engineer (quite fitting). It seemed to be an important job, but it was disappointing to not get to do the iconic light speed pull. But that gives him something to look forward to next time.

Brad thought the ride was a lot of fun and interactive, but he did feel like you missed out some when you had to look away and focus on the buttons for your job. He still loved it though!

First Night in Our New House

First Night in Our New House

Grilled Corn

Grilled Corn