Unexpectedly Homeschool Week Two

Unexpectedly Homeschool Week Two

Unexpectedly Homeschooling Week Two.jpg

So here we are in week two of what is a new experience for most of us. Last week started out great, and we all ended up exhausted! We are planning to adjust our schedules some (more on that below) to help keep us fro overdoing it and burning ourselves out. But overall we made a lot of crafts and a lot of progress on some home projects.

So on Tuesday, we pretty much followed our scheduled exactly. We did get about 15 minutes behind because we had issues removing Melody from the phone to “start” school time, but once we got going, it was smooth sailing.

We learned all about the letter G (I mean it was St. Patrick’s Day), she played on ABCmouse (the app crashed a lot, but she mainly listed to music), and then it was snack time. She enjoyed eating her snack out of muffin liners. We went outside for a bit and played with bubbles. Then we headed back information craft time, and she made a cute butterfly from tissue paper. While I made lunch, she played in her playroom. After lunch, we played with more bubbles outside then we headed inside for some Cosmic Kids yoga. I then had her lay in bed while I read the first chapter of the Mary Poppins book series her Nannie bought her for Christmas last year. Last thing we did was watch Frozen while she rested. I worked on painting samples in our dining room because that is one of the projects we want to complete during this pandemic.

Wednesday was not quite as productive, but we managed to get all of our lessons in. The morning was another rough start, and there was a huge delay in getting going, so we had to skip some things. She did learn about the letter D, but then we headed to run an errand. I had placed a Target pickup order, and we wanted to pick up some paint while they are still open. We also picked up take out from 5 Guys to bring home for lunch. We ended up skipping ABCmouse and outside time that morning. We did do crafts all afternoon though. We painted the unicorn as she wanted, then we made “dough” animals. We followed that up with letting her paint on an extra canvas I had. I let her take painters tape and put it wherever she wanted, then she painted around it. She played with Brad a lot of the afternoon while I started painting the dining room. Then she helped me make a honeybun cake (recipe to come later). So not the most schedule oriented day, but we were still productive.

Thursday was fairly productive, but we were still going downhill, ha. We had a much smoother start, but we skipped ABCmouse again. She did learn about the letter O though. After we finally changed she made a cow hand puppet and did some sticker artwork. I worked on “plans” for week two while she did this and during free play. We went for a 45 minute walk around the neighborhood too. Brad had to go pick up our Walmart grocery order, but in it was a huge surprise for Melody. A bubble machine! We let her go out back and play with it for a bit before dinner. It was the best $15 spent ever!

Friday no school happened, ha! I painted the dining room for its final coat of paint, and we just did things around the house. That was the day I decided we only needed school 3 days a week (that is what I am currently sending her for anyhow). She did get some ABCmouse time, and I found it was much smoother on the computer.


Week Two Plans

So below are my plans for this week. I plan to only do school on MWF. Tuesday is dedicated to dance, and I am taking Thursday off. I will let you know how this goes next week!

Mickey Ear Display

Mickey Ear Display

Pensacola 2020

Pensacola 2020