Unexpectedly Homeschool Week Seven

Unexpectedly Homeschool Week Seven

Unexpectedly Homeschooling Week Seven.jpg

This week has been a really good week as far as school goes. Melody has actively participated, and we were also able to repurpose my old computer so that Melody can watch her videos on that without using mine. We accomplished a lot of crafts including some for Mother’s Day and a few “miss you” ones too. We took a break from dance on Thursday. I think Melody may be getting burned out doing it twice a week. So we may back down to the usual once a week and see if that helps her eagerness. Daddy was teacher one morning while I had a checkup at my doctor. We also had to rearrange things on Friday because we had to make an urgent trip to the local urgent care for Brad. A few stitches later and he is good. And we were able to finish the day up!

Below is our plan for this week. We still haven’t conquered my cell phone completely yet, so we may be focusing on that first, but otherwise most will be the same!

Painted Chick

Painted Chick

Playroom Makeover

Playroom Makeover